Page 83 of Not Kissing Nick
Phil was superman. And in much better shape than Nick was at the moment. He’d spent too much time sitting behind the computer and the phones, rounding up trucking runs lately. He was starting to go soft.
He was going to have to get moving around more if he was going to be able to play softball with Nova when she was older—and survive baseball with Noah now. And Becky was almost four full years behind Nova…Yeah. He had to get himself in better shape, fast. Just so he could keep up with his kids.
Phil had taken Noah with his group first. His Patton was one of the older boys on the team. Patton was going out of his way to get Noah involved.
His nephew was a damned fine kid. Phil should be proud. All of Phil’s kids were good, kind-hearted kids. Patton was quieter and more reserved, but a seriously fine ball player.
He and Noah were throwing the ball back and forth now. Nick checked on his son before turning back to the five boys waiting on him.
Noah would be ok.
It was a little league team. Not a firing squad.
Like Robin had said, it would be a good way for him to get to know some of the boys he was now going to school with. This was a good start.
For Noah and Nova.
Robin had been right.
She so had this parenting thing in the bag. He resisted the urge to look toward the girls’ fields, but then gave in.
His little girls were over there, and so was his woman. Of course, he’d keep an eye on things when he could. They were his to take care of, after all.
And this Ricky Weatherby’s dad—he could go take a flying leap.
Nick was going to make a point of finding Noah’s principal and staking his claim. Robin was his, he wasn’t shy about making that known. For the whole damned town, if that was what was necessary.
Maybe she didn’t know that, but he’d fill her in soon enough.
Hopefully she wouldn’t club him upside the head with a T-ball bat after. She was just feisty enough to do it, too.
He loved that fire so damned much. He’d make a point of telling her that someday. He looked for her, and found her. Right there she was.