Page 53 of First Comes Love
“That’s right,” Xavier said smoothly. “A very good friend. Who, I’m afraid, is going to have to steal her away.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary right now…” I started.
Xavier arched a sleek black brow. “But we have important matters to discuss. Or did you forget?”
I sniffed. “Adam was nice enough to buy me a drink. I’m going to finish it. You will have to wait.”
“Francesca. I mean it.”
“Francesca?” Adam snorted. “You mean Frankie?”
Wrong. Move.
Xavier turned that deadly blue glare onto my companion, who visibly shrank under its force. “Yes, Francesca. As in, her name. What’s it to you?”
I sighed and set down my wine. A brawl over my given name was the last thing I needed.
“Adam, I’m so sorry, but Xavier is, unfortunately, correct. We have some personal things to talk over. I’m afraid I’ll have to take a rain check.” I fished a ten-dollar bill out of my purse. “Will this do?”
“I’ve got it.”
Xavier smacked a twenty down on the bar top. “Least I can do for ruining your little date.”
Adam stared at the bill, then Xavier, like he wanted to punch them both. I closed my eyes, exhaled, then picked up the bill and tucked it back in Xavier’s jacket pocket, just below the pocket square that matched his charcoal-gray tie.
“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary,” I said. “If you’ll just wait for me outside, I’ll finish up here.”
When he didn’t move, I gave him the same look I practiced on Sofia when she refused to clean up her toys. The same one my grandmother had given me for years every time I bitched about doing the dishes or folding laundry. And probably the same one her mother had given her back in Italy, and on and on for who knew how many generations.
Xavier shuddered, as if he had just been shot through with an arrow. “Christ,” he muttered, but stood just the same.
“I’ll see you outside,” I said sweetly and turned to pay for my drink and make amends with Adam.
“I’m sorry about that,” I said once Xavier had exited the building.
“Interesting guy,” Adam replied before taking “You sure you’re all right?”
I nodded. I felt anything but sure, but I didn’t really have a choice, did I?
“He really does look familiar,” Adam was saying. “Where is he from again?”
“South London.” Dammit, where was my other glove?
“Curious. I’ll have to look him up. He didn’t go to Eton, did he?”
I opened my mouth to say no, but then realized I didn’t know. “I’m not sure. I know he moved schools a bit when he was a teenager. I’m not sure where he ended up, though.” I frowned, having located my glove on the floor. Gross. “Why?”
Adam gazed at the exit contemplatively while I finished putting on my coat and scarf. “Oh, that’s where my parents stuck me when we lived there for a couple of years.” He caught me watching him curiously and grinned. “Diplomat’s kid. Like being an army brat, but with better perks. You need help there?”
I blinked, shocked. Uber-hipster, tortoise-shell glasses-wearing, slightly scruffy Adam attended Eton College? Along with my ex-boyfriend and father of my child?
Without waiting for my answer, he got up and helped me with the other arm of my coat, which was inside out, while I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder.
“Well, at least I got a few minutes this time,” Adam said as he leaned down to press a brief kiss on my cheek.
I wanted to step out of reach but was too tied up between my things and the bar top to duck him. We were at the kissing stage now?
“Rain check,” he said kindly as he stood back up, despite the fact that I was the one leaving.