Page 87 of First Comes Love
“Bodega, cafe, convenience store. Same thing, isn’t it?” Mom replied as she stood back up. She turned to Xavier, clearly unable to stifle her curiosity any longer. “And who is this tall drink of water?”
“Er, Mom,” I said. “This is my, ah, friend. Xavi.”
I explicitly did not use Xavier’s full name on the off chance she was going to see Lea or one of the others anytime soon.
“He’s my friend too!” Sofia put in with a stiff upper lip.
Xavier smiled down at her. “’Course I am.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Mom said as she held out a hand to shake Xavier’s. “Do I hear an English accent there? Where are you from?”
“Cheers,” Xavier replied. “I’m from South London, originally.”
“Ooh, London. That sounds so glamorous! And look at that beautiful watch,” she fawned, pulling him closer to examine the Patek. “How does someone so young afford something like that?”
“Mom!” I chided. “Please.”
I was almost afraid to check Xavier’s expression. He allowed her to look for approximately five seconds before gently extricating his hand from her clasp.
“It’s a family heirloom,” he said evenly.
“Heirloom!” my mother crowed. “My, my, what are you, some kind of lord or duke or something like that?”
She chuckled to herself like it was the funniest thing in the world. Meanwhile, a line appeared between Xavier’s brows, and his lips flattened into a tight line.
“Mom,” I snapped. “Stop embarrassing yourself.”
It was just like her to make completely inappropriate comments about someone’s money while at the same time ignoring her own kin. Two days ago, she made all sorts of noise about wanting to know Sofia, but now she was more interested in the first shiny thing in front of her.
“Xavi makes food!” Sofia chirped, taking his hand for herself almost proprietarily. This time, Xavier did not reclaim it, but allowed her to shake it all she liked. “That’s why we’re here. To see the fishes for his new restaurant.”
“Restaurant?” She perked up like a sparrow looking for spare crumbs. “What sort of restaurant?”
“Japanese fusion,” Xavier replied shortly.
“Oh, fusion! That sounds incredible. I don’t really know what it means, but I’m sure it’s great!”
“Mom, don’t you have to get back to work?” I said irritably, noticing the replacement cashier watching us with very little amusement. I didn’t know what she was up to—I never did—but I was more than ready to get out of this shop.
“Oh, sure. Yes, I do. What do you all want, hmm? I can get you ten percent off.”
“It’s not necessary—” I started but was waved away almost immediately as my mother jogged back around the counter and started punching numbers into the register.
“Nope, I got it,” she said. “On me.” She glanced at me, then looked meaningfully back at Xavier. “It’s the very least I can do.”
I frowned. What was that supposed to mean?
“Fine,” I said. “Xavi, can you take Sofia outside? I’ll get our food.”
“Oh, it’s all right,” he said. “I’ve got it—”
“Please,” I interrupted. I didn’t like the way my mother was looking at him and Sofia like they were worms and she was the robin ready to eat them.
Xavier blinked, glanced between us, then nodded. “Right. Sure.”
I watched them leave, then turned back to my mom. “What are you doing?”
She frowned. “What are you talking about? I’m being perfectly nice! I never get to see you, and then you walk into this little store. It’s fate, baby, you know it is.”