Page 100 of Craving Justice
She closed her eyes. A dull headache thudded in her temples. Checking the clock showed she had been sitting here and letting herself fall to pieces for close to thirty minutes.
A streak of dark fur landed on the winged-back chair. Mal sat and studied her. Not sure whether to move forward and cuddle his human as usual or keep his distance. Who could blame him?
But the tears had stopped and were replaced by righteous anger. She’d sat here and cried, now she needed to find out what the fuck was happening. And she’d start with her father.
But first, she needed to let Seth know she wasn’t beaten. Reaching into the pocket of her apron, she grabbed her phone. Scrolling her contacts list, she tapped Seth’s number. Her call went straight to voice mail. Of course.
“Seth, you don’t want to hear from me right now? No problem, but I’ve got something to say, so man up and listen.” She stood with her hand on her hip and glared at a speck of dirt on her front window. “I don’t know who’s out to frame me, but I wasn’t the woman in that video. Believe me or don’t believe me, your choice. I’m going to find out who was in that video. I’m going to clear my name, and you can kiss my arse when you find out just how wrong you were.” Her voice wobbled on the last few words. Dammit. She hung up before she gave into the threat of more tears.
And now? After a deep, bracing breath, she patted Mal on the head. “We’ll be okay, buddy. I promise.”
Her phone rang. She ignored the soaring hope that filled her and glanced at the screen. Dillon. Accepting the call, she braced for a fight. “Look, Dillon, if you’re calling to give me hell, don’t bother.”
Dillon’s sigh filtered through the phone. “My brother’s an ass. Heath and Adam, too. I’m out front in my car. Come down and let’s go somewhere and talk this out. Someone’s framed you, Harper.”
“You believe me?” She couldn’t hide the hope in her voice.
“Honey,” Dillon’s voice softened. “There’s no doubt in my mind. Now get down here and let’s get to work.”
“Okay, I’m coming.” She shoved her phone in her apron and banged her front door closed as she headed for the stairs.
Maybe with a little bit of faith, some smart thinking, and a hell of a lot of stubbornness, she could find some answers.
And now she wouldn’t be doing that on her own.
Things were already looking up.
* * *
Seth entered his office with Heath and Adam in his wake to find Zach standing next to his desk. They’d called the single father last night and agreed he’d come down the next morning after organizing another sleepover at a friend’s house for Milly. Seth wasn’t going to lie; it felt good having his brothers around him.
He glanced behind him. “Where’s Dillon?”
“Megan said he had to run out for a second,” Zach said.
Seth sat behind his desk and watched as Adam took a phone call. A frown creased his brother’s forehead before he walked out of the office.
Heath claimed a chair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “You okay, little bro?”
Seth huffed a laugh. “Been better.”
Zach remained standing and folded his arms over his chest. “You’ve just come from Harper’s?”
Seth nodded. “She denied any knowledge.”
“You expected different?” Zach asked.
“Yes.” At his answer, Heath’s brows rose, while Zach gave no sign of surprise. “She’d always been so open. Her face gives her away. I expected the same today, even when caught out.”
Heath shook his head. “She was playing a part before.”
Was she? All those times she’d laughed when acting goofy. Or the time she’d taken a strip of bacon off his plate when he wasn’t looking, and he stared at her when he’d realized what had happened. The woman’s face had turned bright red, and she’d pressed her lips together as if she was holding back a confession. That wasn’t acting. Yet today…not a damn hint of blush in her cheeks. Instead they were pale, and her eyes wide with shock.
He clenched his fist. Why was he doing this, questioning himself when they had the proof?
If she’d said something, taking the chance he’d given her and admitted she was being forced. But she’d denied it point blank.
Zach lowered himself into the chair beside Heath. “I’ve been thinking on the drive down the mountain.” He glanced first at Heath before focusing on Seth. “What if she wasn’t lying?”