Page 25 of Craving Justice
Harper ignored Jinx and the stares of the fifteen or so employees whose gazes followed them as they neared their target area.
Seth’s voice came from the office in the middle.
Harper didn’t take the deep breath she’d planned to before speaking to him. She didn’t go over her words in her head.
No, she just stormed right in.
And came to a jarring stop.
Four men, three of them huge, occupied the room.
Seth had his back to the door, facing the window with the handset from the desk phone to his ear.
Dillon, the smallest of the four, though it had to be said not by much, also faced the window and was talking low on his cell.
Of the two other men, one dressed in jeans and a charcoal shirt with a cop’s badge on his belt, sat on the edge of what she assumed was Seth’s desk. The short strands of his chocolate brown hair looked askew, as if having been raked with a hand. Keen blue eyes in a stubble-covered face studied her and Jinx.
The other man closest to her was well over six feet. He was the quintessential pin-up for bad-boy bikers with long, brown hair tied in a ponytail, a trimmed beard, black jeans and motorcycle boots. His arms were crossed over a wide chest that was covered in a black T-shirt. Tattoos adorned those same muscled arms.
The biker’s hazel gaze ran over both her and Jinx, staying on Jinx a moment longer, before landing back on her. “I’m thinking you’re not the messenger the guys ordered?” he rumbled in a deep, Aussie-accented voice.
Harper lifted her chin. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that, if you mean the messenger from hell.”
Seth spun around upon hearing her voice.
So tall, strong, and handsome.
She clenched her teeth against the wave of misdirected longing that streamed through her. Despite the hurt firing her emotions, her body couldn’t forget the touch of his hands on her skin, the firmness of his hold.
Needing to focus, she turned back to the biker, who simply raised his eyebrows. She embraced a fresh wave of anger at his apparent ease in the face of her fury.
The cop rose with the grace of a jungle cat, lazy but ready for action. He stood as tall as the biker and Seth, and while earlier he had studied her with mild interest, now his focus was cop-alert.
“I have to go.” Seth’s urgent voice drew her gaze. “Get the statement out now. Let me know when you hear from our lawyers,” he said a second before he hung up. “Harper, I’ve left messages on your mobile.” Walking around the desk, he reached out to take her hand, but she stepped back, bumping into Jinx.
Seth’s eyes flashed as he dropped his arm back to his side. “You’ve seen the post. Honey, it’s bullshit. Let me explain.” His face, that handsome face that she’d been entranced by, and had wanted to study in detail over many more late nights of chocolate cake and laughter, was now drawn tight with apparent concern.
Christ, he was good. She had to hand him that much.
She soaked up the burn of humiliation that seared her skin. Pain was good. Reminded her why she was here. “I can’t believe I fell for you and your lies.”
“Now hang on, Harper. Give me a chance—”
“What would you call it? Research for Bastards R Us?” Her voice waivered near the end. Dammit. She couldn’t lose face in front of Seth and these other men. A hand clasped hers at her side, giving it a squeeze before letting go. Jinx. Thank God for besties. She drew on the support and continued. “Was this a bet with Dillon in some twisted game?”
Seth’s oldest brother stepped forward, his face lined with concern. “Harper, no. You’ve got it all wrong.” Dillon glanced at Seth, then back to her. “Look, it’s complicated.”
No wonder she hadn’t seen Dillon this morning for his usual espresso. Too embarrassed?
The cop moved next to Seth. “While I’m prepared to kick my brother’s arse when needed”—he broke off and exchanged a hard stare with Seth who returned his own glare—“this isn’t what you think. I understand you’re pissed, Harper, but let Seth tell you his side before you make judgments.”
Aussie accent. And a cop. This must be Heath. His tone was calm, but braced with a steely determination, showing his easy familiarity with authority.
“Harper,” Seth moved closer, his jaw hardening at the way she stiffened as he drew near. “You can believe what you like, but I’m going to state the facts as we know them right now. This morning some arsehole impersonated me online.”
Seriously, that was his defense? She made a scoffing sound in the back of her throat. This guy was unbelievable.