Page 37 of Craving Justice
The corners of his mouth twitched. “Smart arse.”
“Now that I understand.” In fact, she kind of liked hearing ass pronounced with an r, especially when all the Aussie Justice brothers were together. Which reminded her…
“I’m not sure I’m a big hit with your brothers, especially Adam. I don’t think he’d be happy to see me again.” Truthfully, she wasn’t in a hurry to repeat the experience, either. “In fact, I’m pretty damn sure Adam warned me off.”
Seth let go of her hand and took another sip of his coffee. “My brothers will come around, Harper. Dillon already likes you. Heath’s a cop and takes a while to warm to anyone. Zach’s a deep thinker. He doesn’t say shit until he knows the person well, and even then, he keeps it to a minimum. This morning was a shock to them, too.”
The last point was true. And she’d stormed into Seth’s office, declaring herself the messenger from hell.
Oh, Lord.
“As for Adam, he’s your steroid version of a big brother.” Seth shrugged. “I was under attack, and Adam hadn’t been fully informed of specifics before he launched his first counter-offensive. But most of all, his bad mood was down to the fact he’d also been attacked online.”
What the hell? “There’s been another incident?”
“Turned out Adam’s was the first. Happened around two in the morning. Sensitive information relating to his career in the military, including his name and picture, was posted on an online chat board.”
Seth didn’t share further specifics about what kind of information, but Harper wasn’t an idiot. Whatever was shared was something Adam’s employers would want kept secret.
“My God, Seth, someone really hates your family.”
“Bro...” Heath’s voice made her jump. He stopped beside Seth and glanced her way. His grin proved he’d seen her startle.
Dammit, why did she feel in need of a lawyer around this guy?
Heath placed his cup next to Seth’s. “Great coffee, Harper. Thanks.” He turned his gaze to Seth. “I got a call from a contact. There’s an update we need to share with the guys.”
And obviously he didn’t want to go into any detail in front of her. Which was cool.
Seth stood and went for his wallet.
Harper held out her hand. “This one’s on the house.”
“You’re running a business, luv. And right now, Heath can’t be seen taking freebies from anyone.”
“But I wouldn’t say anything.” She frowned as Seth dropped some bills on the table.
“We know that, but anyone could see us and draw their own misinformed conclusions, especially if they’d read the post he’s mentioned in this morning. This way, we’re taking no chances.”
Good point. She hadn’t even considered that possibility.
“Later, Harper.” Heath gave a chin lift and moved off, likely giving them privacy.
“I’ll call you tomorrow morning, and we’ll make plans for lunch Saturday.” Seth gripped her waist and drew her close. Her hands automatically rested on his chest, and she spread her fingers wide in eagerness to feel the hard muscles beneath. “Until then, coffee girl.”
He inclined his head and claimed her mouth in a gentle, slow kiss that held the promise of so much more for later, like when they weren’t standing in front of huge glass windows in her café. When he lifted his head, he skimmed his thumb over her chin.
“Hell, if that hunk of sexy came as a side order with every coffee, I’d move in.” A female voice said none too quietly from behind Harper.
Heat flooded her face. Seth chuckled and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
Maybe it was the cheekiness of the female customer that spurred her on, but as he began to turn away, Harper gripped his belt, holding him in place. “When you turn up Saturday, be prepared to get dirty.”
Seth raised his brows in silent question, but she simply released her grip on the belt. “Until Saturday, handsome.”
A slow smile spread over Seth’s face, and he headed out.
Harper watched as the wide expanse of his back disappeared out the entry door before she turned and collected the dirty cups. She glanced toward the customer who’d called out earlier. Two middle-aged women, both dressed in smart office attire, smiled at her, one giving her the thumbs up sign, the other wearing a huge smile.