Page 41 of Craving Justice
“Sure.” Seth walked over, catching the seriousness of the man’s gaze. He stayed quiet, waiting for Nitro to share.
“I could handle this with a trolley, but I wanted to talk, and I don’t know when my next chance will come.” Nitro bent and grabbed the rim of the pot, his voice low so only Seth could hear.
Seth nodded and they maneuvered the heavy pot a few feet closer to the roof’s three-foot high brick wall. “What’s on your mind?” He glanced to his right. Harper and Ryan were caught up in resetting the pots of herbs before planting them in the soil.
“Harper’s dad is a bastard. You know that.” Nitro gave a chin lift when Seth didn’t speak a denial. “He puts himself first. Always. Won’t give a damn Harper was fucked over with that Facebook shit. All he cares about is that it’s another embarrassment, one he holds against Harper as much as you.”
“Worked that out already, mate.” Seth grabbed a watering can and drenched the soil, keeping busy if Harper looked their way.
Nitro rearranged a couple of smaller posts of succulents in front of the tree. “Then whatever your plans to catch the fucker responsible, remember Stanton Fox is an interested party because of the post against Brooke-Porter Digital. He’ll be watching. And Seth, I’ve seen him destroy men’s careers over shit that anyone else would shake off. The guy can take offense like a drunk takes a piss.”
“And you’re warning me because...” Seth needed to get this straight.
“Look, it’s probably nothing,” Nitro shrugged, “but if Harper continues to see you while you’re hunting down your prey and negotiating with her dad then, in his eyes, she’s connected to you. Just…be smart about how you move ahead with Fox. That’s all I’m saying.” The younger man held his gaze for a few seconds, before he eased past Seth toward the others.
Seth went still, his body a block of tight muscle and tension.
Being with him could draw Harper into the line of fire with her dad.
But was Nitro’s warning valid? Who knew with Fox? Seth had witnessed the father’s lack of concern over his daughter being shamed on social media, not to mention his disdainful attitude toward her at the cocktail party. Anything was possible.
He glanced at the vines growing over the lattice and sighed. What a bloody mess. Catching the bastard responsible for his and his brothers’ troubles was paramount. But knowing when to crash tackle your enemy and when to stalk him in the shadows was another thing.
* * *
Harper glanced at the clock on her microwave. Six o’clock already? She dumped the crushed soda cans in the trash she used for recyclables and rinsed her hands in the sink. She eyed the long streaks of dirt on her arms. How had she got so dirty? For now, a shower would have to wait.
“Thanks for all your help, Seth.” She dried her hands on some paper towels and leaned against the kitchen’s light-colored stone counter top and viewed the tall hunk of manliness standing beside her fridge. “I can’t believe how much we accomplished.” Full bed of zucchini, beans and herbs all planted and watered. A burst of happiness warmed her. Soon, she’d be able to pick ingredients from her own garden. “I’ve really enjoyed today.”
“Me too.” Seth moved past the white glossy cabinets and shelves containing her collection of bright Mexican pottery to stand a couple of feet away.
“Even though I put you to work?” She couldn’t resist the tease.
Seth’s deep chuckle had her smiling. “You’ve made yourself clear. No free lunches in your household.” He settled his hand on her waist. Her skin tingled under his touch. “It was fun working outdoors and meeting your friends. Honestly, I’ve had a great time.”
And she didn’t want it to end, more so now with him standing so close. The snug fit of his gray T-shirt clung to his broad shoulders and chest. Tall, strong, and with a direct stare that stirred her blood, Seth was one sexy, dangerous male.
However, she was the one who stipulated they go slow. For a good reason. The guy was her personal crack, enticing her with his gorgeous voice, accent, and sense of humor into a complicated world where she needed to be careful of her footing.
She needed to smile and send him on his way for tonight. Dammit.
“I’d really like you to stay.” Cripes, she said that aloud?
Surprise lit up Seth’s gaze.
“I mean, I’ve got the makings of pasta alfredo for dinner if you don’t have any plans?” Harper shrugged, trying for nonchalance.
“My evening’s free.” Seth looked down at a smear of dirt on his T-shirt. “But I’m filthy from your slave driver tactics on the roof.” He ignored her snort. “I always keep a change of clothes in my gym bag. It’s in my car. If I could have a shower?”
With her? This she made sure she kept to herself.
“Sure. Now aren’t you glad you parked in the alley behind my building?”
Seth grinned. “That’s one convenient piece of real estate, Harper. Does parking there cost you extra rent?”
Shoot. He still didn’t know she owned the building. Considering everything that had happened since their first date, she didn’t want secrets between them. “Actually, I don’t pay rent anywhere.”
Seth’s slight frown heaped on the guilt. “You don’t?”