Page 61 of Craving Justice
Harper started. She looked down at a little brown-haired cutie dressed in a light blue top dotted with sparkles and a matching skirt with a frill at the hem. A pair of giant, brightly colored fairy wings flared out from her back, held in place by bands worn over her tiny shoulders and ties that were knotted in a bow across her chest.
A pair of hazel eyes, so like her father’s, studied Harper with unabashed curiosity.
“I, uh...” Dear Lord, what could she say?
Zach tapped his finger over the tip of the child’s nose. “Milly, that’s not your business.”
“You think she’d make a good girlfriend, honey?” Seth asked as he gave Harper’s hand a squeeze.
“You kissed her. Why would you kiss someone you didn’t like?” Milly looked at her uncle as if such things were beyond debate.
Seth regarded Harper. “Kid’s got a point.” He whispered into her ear. “Fair warning, sweetness, Milly hangs around adults all the time. She’s precocious and misses nothing.”
Hmm, ignoring the subject would be safer. She bent her knees, making herself closer to eye level with Milly. “My name’s Harper. I heard you ask your dad for a cupcake.” The little girl’s eyes widened as she nodded. “If he says it’s okay, we can look at the display, and you can choose one you’d like. And since I’m the boss, you get to have it for free.”
Milly sent a pleading look at her dad. “Go on.” Zach chuckled at his daughter’s happy squeal and glanced at Harper. “Appreciated.”
She held her hand out to the child.
“I’m Milly, and I’m nearly five,” the little girl informed her. Obviously being nearly five years of age was a huge difference than being just four. The cutie placed her hand in Harper’s, and they walked the couple of steps to the display. After much careful deliberation, the little fairy decided on a chocolate cupcake with mint icing and candy popping sprinkles.
“A fine choice.” Harper guided the child behind the counter.
Using a pair of tongs Milly placed her cupcake in a small pink box used for take-away purchases. Sure, the munchkin would likely start devouring the treat in seconds, but the ceremony of opening up the box and eating the cupcake would be all the more special.
Harper placed a gold seal printed with “7 Dishes” on the top of the box.
“Wow.” Milly’s voice was awestruck. Big eyes, full of wonder, looked at Harper. “Thank you, Miss Harper.”
Harper couldn’t resist stroking her thumb over Milly’s cheek. “My pleasure, honey.” A thought entered her head. She whispered to the child soft enough for only her to hear. “Do you like kitties?”
Milly’s cheek-widening smile said it all. Harper turned to her staff. “Heading upstairs. Back in twenty. I need to check in with Malcolm.”
“Malcolm?” Seth grinned. “You got another bloke on the side?”
“Actually, yes.” She had to bite the inside of her mouth as Seth’s jaw dropped. “Follow me and you’ll get to meet him.” She smiled down at Milly, who clutched her special pink box in one hand and took hold of Harper’s with her other. “Let’s go, boys,” Harper said and led the way out of the café and through the front entry door and up the stairs.
“You live above your shop. That’s so cool.” Milly looked to Zach. “Like us, Dad.”
“Spot on, kiddo.” Zach grinned down at his daughter.
Milly turned back to Harper with dizzying speed. “My dad has a big barn where he works.”
Harper nodded as she opened her apartment’s front door. “Sounds like fun. Seth told me you guys live up in the mountains.”
“Uh huh. His barn is awesome.” Milly’s wide fairy wings made it through the doorway with plenty of room to spare. “Dad and his friends builted it.”
“Built it, babe,” Zach corrected gently as he and Seth followed them into the living room.
“Yeah, built it.” Milly stopped near the sofa, her head turning this way and that. “Where’s Malcom?”
“Bathroom. Follow me.” She ignored Seth’s questioning glance and led the way to her master bathroom. After carefully opening the door and catching Mal sitting in his new blue circular bed next to the vanity, she stepped back as Milly and the guys, entered.
“He’s soooo cute.” The child squatted in front of Mal. The black ball of fur leaned forward to sniff her outstretched hand. Little girl giggles filled the bathroom as Mal licked the tips of her fingers.
“So, you’ve already moved on to some other bloke?” Seth’s amused voice rumbled next to her.
“You have one advantage. Mal isn’t house trained yet.”