Page 88 of Craving Justice
His patient tone reminded her he wasn’t angry. This was new. And she wasn’t going to tread outside of the boundaries until she learned her way. Seth would be there, guiding her. She rubbed her cheek against his fingers like a kitten seeking comfort. “I promise I’ll keep any future bluffing to card games.”
His chuckle was a low rumble. “Since you’re hopeless at hiding your reactions that could prove interesting.” He moved his hands from her bottom and face to her waist and spread his fingers wide, pushing the pads into her flesh, giving her a sense of his touch. His possession. “When I touch you, your face and body don’t hide a thing. But sometimes I wonder what’s in your head that makes you hold back that bit you keep in reserve.”
She felt her brows rub against the silk mask as she frowned. “What do you mean?”
He traced the fingers of one hand over her belly to the top of her pussy before dipping lower, gliding them through the wetness surrounding her clit. “You’ve shared about your sister, some about your parents. I know you’re warm, loving, loyal.” She heard the squeak of the chair and then Seth’s voice came from lower in front of her. Sitting. “But after the last two days, I’m wondering what there is to you I don’t know. Your fears. Your hopes. I want to hear them.”
The pad of his thumb skimmed over her clit. Arousal coursed through her. She tugged on her bonds, the futile action pitching her need higher. “Maybe we could, you know, talk about that some other time.” She thrust her pussy against his fingers, silently demanding more.
His laughter taunted her. “But this is so much fun.” The sound of something being dragged over carpet came from her right. “We’ll discuss what you share briefly now and save talking in more depth later. For now, I want the basics.” His hand still on her waist firmed. “Lift your leg. I’ve got you.”
She did his bidding and felt the cushioned top of the stool under her foot. Air flowed over her pussy. Oh, Lordy. She was so…open to him.
“There now.” His big hand with fingers splayed wide rubbed the inside of her raised thigh. “Can’t wait to taste that pussy. But first, I want a secret.”
“A secret?”
“It’s a new game we’re going to play. You tell me a secret, and I let you come.”
Sure, she could do that. “When I was ten, I stole my sister’s Barbie and cut off her hair.” She smiled. Too easy.
“Oh, no, Harper. That’s not how this works.” The steely thread in his voice resonated deep into her bones. “I can leave you on the edge for hours if I want. Take this seriously or you pay the price.” He pressed one finger into her with a slow, sensuous slide and then went still.
Her breath hitched. No mistaking that threat. She searched her mind for something that would satisfy Seth. Something meaningful. “I worry sometimes that I’m not as focused on the café as I should be.”
“What are you focused on instead?” He moved his finger, curling ever so softly and stroking her warmth. Hunger churned, growing stronger with each movement deep inside her.
“I, uh,” Focus. He won’t let you come without an answer. “My life outside of work, trying to be everything, have balance, and all that stuff lifestyle gurus advise.”
Seth snorted. “That’s bullshit, Harper. The balance those yoga-pant-wearing, green-juice-drinking wannabees refer to is ever-changing depending on what’s happening at the time. You work as hard as any business owner I know. You take one day off a week, sometimes maybe two, but you work late when you’re at the café.” His other hand ran over her bottom and then up her back to palm her breast. “How many times have I called you at eight in the evening and you’ve been cleaning out the back?” Gently, he massaged her bosom as she felt the still-tender nipples harden.
She moaned, the sound soft and needy. But however much she wanted to lose herself in the sensations, Seth demanded answers.
“I know, and you’re right.” Of course he made sense. But still… “I don’t want to get so focused that I lose out on what matters.” Family. Kids. Like her father had done. “I want to know other things in life count.”
After one last squeeze, he let go of her breast. “Then remember that choices are about more than priorities. They’re about what’s right for you and others at the time. What you can and can’t control. What is and isn’t your fight.”
Again, more wisdom. Hadn’t Jinx said something similar months ago? But she hadn’t been ready to listen. “True.”
A dim buzzing sound was her only warning before Seth removed his finger and slid the vibe into her pussy. She gasped at the intrusion. He twisted, thrust, and rubbed the metal vibe, tormenting the already sensitive nerve endings. Kept on a slow burn for so long, her body ignited under this new sensuous assault. Her inner muscles clenched the hard, pulsing vibe as need rioted through her body.
“Now for your reward.” His thumb dragged a wet, hard path over her clit.
She exploded with her release. Legs shaking, she locked her knees to keep herself upright as her core convulsed into a chain of spasms.
“Ahhh,” she moaned and let her head fall back as the sound of her breathing and the fluttering aftershocks of her orgasm filled her sight-deprived senses.
The vibrations in her pussy stopped, leaving her inner walls tingling. “Beautiful, Harper.” Warm hands ran over her body, calming her, reminding her of his nearness. “So we’ve covered your business. This time, I want a fear that’s more personal.”
“I don’t—” He pinched her clit. Hard. So, so hard. A brilliant kind of pleasure zinged from her clit outwards, robbing her of breath, and destroying her guard. “I distrust men,” she rushed out.
She froze. Oh, no. No, no, no. That wasn’t supposed to come out.
Seth’s hands stilled on her body. Only for a second, but she felt that hesitation.
But he gave her leg a squeeze, encouraging her. “Explain that to me.”