Page 12 of Restless Omega
This is the most rural town I have visited yet, and I’m surprised how it somehow doesn't make me feel claustrophobic. Instead, it charms me. I want to explore every inch of the town, discover all its mysteries. It's nothing like the small town I left behind. It's not a dying town of snarling alphas fighting constantly for dominance. At least not on the surface.
Who knows what darkness lies beneath.
I refuse to let myself be completely charmed by the place, refusing to fall in love.
I’m in love with the journey, seeing new places, meeting new people, discovering new cultures, trying new experiences. I have no plans on stopping soon, instead I want to keep running until they won't let me anymore.
I skid to a halt, stopping and staring in awe at the building in front of me. The library is like nothing I’ve ever seen. So much so, I double check my map and the sign before believing it's actually the right place.
Instead of a large, unassuming building like most libraries are, this one has been converted from an historic church. One white with beautiful stained glass and steeples reaching up to the sky. There's even a bell tower.
This might be the most amazing library in the world.
I remind myself that the inside is what matters. It could look this gorgeous out here, but have nothing useful inside. No need to get stars in my eyes yet. Better to hold off judgment until I step inside.
Butterflies erupt in my stomach as I open the door, strangely nervous as I step inside. I’m being ridiculous. It's not that big of a deal if their library sucks, they have perfectly fast internet connections here in town, I can get plenty of research off of there.
But I desperately want the insides to match the outside.
I can just move in for the rest of my time here.
It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust once I’m inside and I blink the sunshine out of my gaze before I’m able to focus on what's in front of me.
I almost fall to my knees in worship.
Fully aware of how dramatic my inner musings are, I keep her expression placid and cool, refusing to give the slightest hint of the fangirling going on inside of me. Growing up with the mother I had, I’ve gotten very skilled at hiding my true feelings, even keeping my scent muted, so it wouldn't trigger one of my mother's rages.
If I believed in any religion, it’s the religion of knowledge. And this library is the perfect church for me to come and worship.
It’s like something out of a fairy tale. The ceilings are tall, the stained glass casting colorful lights across the lines and lines of stacks. There are so many, I can't even see where the shelves end.
This is paradise.
I never want to leave.
"Good morning. Can I help you with anything? Are you here for anything in particular?"
I tear my eyes away from the vaulted ceilings and never-ending books to blink at the male in front of her. The omega male. The incredibly fucking gorgeous male omega.
Who smells like two of my favorite things— petrichor and parchment.
He’s a white guy, green eyes and lean with a scattering of freckles across his nose. He has suspenders on, for fucks’ sake. And a bowtie. And combat boots.
Fuck. Me.
Not another one.
I barely keep my expression clear and pleasant, not showing my shock or my interest. "Hello. I'm here to get some research done."
"What's your area of study?"
“Anthropology and biology along with a healthy splash of genetics.”
The omega’s brows rise and a light of curiosity flashes in his eyes. ”Interesting. I believe we've got more than enough tomes here to keep you busy. If you'd follow me?"
I nod and follow him through the stacks, keeping my jaw clenched so it doesn’t gape. Book after book catches my eye, but I force myself to focus, to keep following the hot omega past shelf after shelf, deeper and deeper into the library. But he still doesn't bring me to the end. How is this place so big? Where is the end?