Page 32 of Restless Omega
Goddam, I'm such a jackass.
What the hell was that?
I wanted to rip apart whatever alpha or beta or dildo was in there helping Aurora through her heat. That is not me. I don't get possessive or jealous or any of that other typical alpha bullshit. But something about Aurora and her delightful scent keeps pulling it out of me. I didn't act like this with Oliver, though he's been mine for so long, there has never been any insecurities or doubts between us.
With Aurora, she's not mine, no matter how much I want her.
The next twenty-four hours are going to be hell, waiting here alone for my pack to return all while knowing Aurora is struggling through her heat without me there to soothe her.
Chapter Fifteen
EXCITEMENT SHOOTS UP and down my spine as I join the mass of omegas and betas and even some alphas in front of the capital, our fists in the air, signs and flags waving, our voices raising to the heavens as we chant our refusal to bow and bend for their archaic bullshit, as we demand change and reform.
As we demand freedom and choices.
Trix sticks close, her own voice joined with ours and I grin over at her. I shacked up with her for my time in her hometown for a reason. Sadly, there isn't enough between us for more than a fun few weeks and a strong friendship, but I can't complain about what I did get out of it. She’s a truly awesome fucking friend. And she's always a good option if I ever need help through a heat again.
Robin, the leader of OFF and the organizer of this rally climbs up to the moveable stage, megaphone at her lips as she riles us all up, using my words to do it.
“Thank you for coming to our rally and for marching with us. The Omegas for Freedom has been hard at work to get the government to hear us, but we need your help.
“Omega rights are human rights. Virginia Woolf once said, “Life for all designations—and I look at them, shouldering their way along the pavement—is arduous, difficult, a perpetual struggle. It calls for gigantic courage and strength. More than anything, perhaps, creatures of illusion that we are, it calls for confidence in oneself.” She wrote this a hundred years ago and it still resonates today. So few things have changed since she gave that speech. We’re still fighting for so many of the same things, the same rights as she along with other omegas did back then. And our government has refused to listen, to change.
“But I have confidence in both myself and all of you. Omegas are fully capable of being in charge of their own lives and destinies. We aren’t children to be controlled and monitored, or animals to be bred. We’re fully formed humans who deserve the same basic rights as betas and alphas. It’s time the OCP and the breeder program are dismantled, leaving omegas free to make our own choices.
“We should be allowed to run for office and help lead this country into the future like so many other countries have begun. And those countries and governments are prospering. They’re not trapped by the past, pressured by those long dead to keep the status quo because a couple of alphas hundreds of years ago proclaimed it’s the only true American way.”
The counter protesters roar, trying to drown out her words, but Robin refuses to be silenced. She’s bold and brave as she turns my words and research into poetry and power. This is why we chose to collaborate. I have a gift for taking dry texts and scientific papers and articles and turning them into something that makes sense to the average person. And then she takes what I write and turns them into speeches that couple topple governments and change the world.
She offered me a space up there on the podium with her, but I prefer my spot hidden in the background, well out of the limelight.