Page 42 of Restless Omega
Along with the woman who summoned me, there's a man inside the office. Both alphas. Because of course they are. Why would they ask omegas to be a part of this organization when they could give alphas the job?
They know what we need better than we do.
"Ms. Miller, please have a seat."
I perch on the edge of the chair across the large table from them, meeting both of their gazes, ignoring the alpha dominance they're trying to throw around to get me to submit and cower. I grew up with my mother. They have nothing on her.
The female alpha slaps a file down on the table between us, opening it up and pulling out glossy photos and a pile of documents. "Some very interesting information has come to light over the past day. It appears you've been taking your time, enjoying the benefits of our program with no plans to actually bond with an alpha or pack."
I raise a brow and cock my head to the side. “It's not like I have a choice. All omegas are forced into the program as soon as we're finished with our education if we haven't found a pack or alpha. I haven't done anything illegal. Writing essays and sharing them with an organization is perfectly legal. I made sure of it, even speaking to a lawyer about it. I can get you her number if you need it."
She’s already on alert, ready to call in if I need her and she’s coached me on what I should and shouldn’t say here.
The male alpha glares at me. “That won't be necessary. And while your views and actions may not be illegal, they are against the contract you signed. You see, an omega enrolled in our program airing the type of views you do makes us look bad."
"So, what? I'm going to be kicked out?"
He shakes his head. “Not yet. You have until your time is up here at this stop on the program to find yourself a pack or an alpha. You either bond, or you will be sent home to your family in disgrace. And we've had contact with your mother. She is not pleased with you."
Right. Of course they'd threaten to send me back to my abuser. Whatever they need to do to keep the status quo.
The woman sniffs. “Also, if you're caught at a rally or assisting this organization while enjoying our hospitality, you'll be fined. You're lucky we decided not to fine you for this. We're giving you a second chance. I suggest you take advantage."
"This program is to help keep omegas safe,” the male says. “To help you find alphas to keep you stable and packs to care for you. Your actions are an affront to our generosity, and to all the happy omegas this organization has helped. If you keep these sorts of activities up, you’ll end up far worse than mere disgrace.”
The fucker is hinting at sending me to be a breeder.
These fuckers.
They continue droning on and on and I tune them out, no longer interested in anything else they have to say.
I could really do without all the threats and alphasplaining, but I sit straight and still, jaw hard, and let them get it all out of their system, while I try to figure out what the hell I'm going to do.
I don't want a pack or an alpha or bonds. Especially not when I'm backed into a corner. But what the hell am I going to do? I can't go back home to my mother. Especially in disgrace. And I know the OCP will make it as public a disgrace as possible. The real reason I'm getting this second chance has nothing to do with their generosity and everything to do with trying to sweep this entire affair under the rug. And even better if they can show the rebel, wayward omega in their program has been put in her place and turned into a fucking hypocrite.
They get rid of me as a problem for them anyway.
It's rather brilliant actually, if it sucks for me.
The time seems to have come for me to reach out to those contacts who can get me out of the country. I've saved up plenty of money to start fresh in a new place. I've never planned to find a pack to take care of me financially, the plan was always to take care of myself.
I have several weeks left to figure out my next moves. Not a lot of time, but hopefully enough.
My research will have to take a back burner while I figure it out, so these bastards will get what they want. Me, silenced.
Despair washes over me as they continue their lecture. There's no hope here in this country. Every time we take a step forward, we're knocked back ten. How long do we keep throwing ourselves at the barriers before we're smashed to bits?
I'm so damn tired.
As much as I'd love to spit in these alphas' eyes and storm out of here, I don't have that luxury. I have to swallow my pride and my hurt and my rage and just take it. If I don't, they could make things so much worse for me. I can't be sent home to my pack, to my mother.
Or worse.
Maybe there's a way to get my father out of the country too. I'll need to reach out and make sure she's not taking this out on him.
The alphas finally get tired of hearing their own voices and stand, so I tune back in and rise as well.