Page 56 of Restless Omega
Their house is lovely. Two stories with large columns and gleaming hardwood floors and who knows how bedrooms. But somehow the place is still cozy and comfortable. It doesn't feel like we're in a mausoleum, like we have to tiptoe around. Their furniture is beautiful, but well-loved and plush. We sink right into the couch in the living room once we finish the tour.
Enzo studies me as he passes over some kind of blue mixed drink. ”How are you doing?"
I sigh and swirl the drink in the glass. “Tired of answering that question."
He winces. “Sorry."
Guilt swirls in my chest. “Don't be. Thank you for asking. It's just... been a long day. And I don't really know what I'm doing yet."
"You still haven't heard back from any of your friends?" Oliver asks as he wanders in to join us.
I shake my head. “Just my beta friend checking in on me. And an old friend from back home who let me know my mother is coming."
Rose gasps, and eyes me with horror paling her face. "Your mother's coming?"
I nod glumly. “Yeah."
She coughs, trying to play it off, but it's too late. The nosy omega and beta have caught the scent.
"Do you not get along with your mother?" Oliver leans forward in his seat.
"Not much, no."
Enzo watches me with his dark eyes. ”Rory... we want to help you. Please let us."
I lose what little hold I have on my temper and my tongue. “How? What could you do? I have few choices left. I either find an alpha here in this town or I run. There are... options. I wouldn't be the first omega to run and start a new life over somewhere else. There's a whole organization that helps omegas in my situation. I just have to get in contact with them soon. Preferably before my mother comes."
“Grey and Callan’s mother might be able to do something,” Oliver says. “She helped me when they tried to force me into the OCP since I don't have formal bonds."
"Maybe I'll talk to her if I can't find help elsewhere. But anyway. We don't need to spend the night stressing over my issues. I knew the risk when I started down this path and I'd do it all over again."
"There is another option." Callan appears in the living room, smelling of chopped onions and garlic.
I shoot him a skeptical glance. “What's that?"
He shrugs. “You could join our pack. Bond with us. Before your mother gets here."