Page 69 of Restless Omega
I'm not even sure if the two alphas in this pack will be enough to stop her. But they're my best bet. No matter how much I’m dreading them seeing how she treats me. And worse, how she treats my father. If he’s even coming. My old friend wasn’t sure.
"We're going to make sure you stay safe, darling. It's no trouble at all to take off work if we need to. We can afford it."
I blush at his pet name for me and the caring way he watches me. “Okay. Thank you. Really. It's... amazing that you are all willing to help me when you barely know me."
"We know enough. And like we said the other night, it's the right thing to do. It's going to take effort and work from all sorts if we ever want to see change in this country. Omegas shouldn't have to shoulder the entire burden."
I eye him curiously. “You're a strange alpha."
He laughs. “You're a strange omega. We're a strange pack. Though if you were to stay here a little longer, I think you'd find none of us are as strange as it seems. There are more of us out there than I think you realize since you've unfortunately kept running into the shitty alphas."
A little part of me wishes I could stay here. I like this town, minus that one shithead.
"What happened with that alpha the other night?" I ask.
Anger darkens Callan’s expression. “Oh, he's been fined and is spending the next month in jail. Then he'll have community service for a year."
My eyes widen. “All of that just for some verbal heckling?"
He nods. “Our mother has worked her ass off to make this a safe space for omegas. For everyone, really. She doesn't mess around with shit like that. If he'd taken it farther, she may have kicked him out of the town completely, but she's giving him the change for rehabilitation."
I grimace. “Or he'll come out even more pissed off, believing he's a victim."
"Sadly, that's highly likely. But don't worry. We'll keep an eye on him." He checks his watch and rises. "Well, I've got to get moving. I'll see you tonight."
"Okay. See you then. And thank you."
"You're welcome."
I watch him leave, the book forgotten in my lap. But I'm not left alone with my thoughts for long. Enzo and Oliver stumble in, their faces creased with sleep, their eyes only half-opened, their noses sniffing.
"Come help yourselves. There's plenty on the tray and I think more in the kitchen. Callan just left." I lift the lid to the platter and groan as I see sausage gravy biscuits steaming beneath it.
They both grunt and flop onto the couch next to me, reaching out for the carafe of coffee first. I bite back a smile at their rumpled exhaustion. It's rather adorable. They lean into each other as they make themselves plates of the food. I set aside my book and focus on my own coffee and food. I ignore the longing inside me to join their cute puppy pile and force myself to keep plenty of space between us.
But the scents of the two of them so strongly wrapped up together is too tempting to stand.
I only scent a hint of Grey, and it makes me wonder how they balance things when Oliver is the only one with a relationship with each of them. As far as I know, Enzo and Grey aren't together.
Enzo finally blinks, seeming to wake more fully. ”Good morning. Sorry. We're terrible morning people."
Oliver leers at him. “Especially when we're up late."
I blush at the heated glance they exchange between them.
"Where's Grey?” I ask
Oliver shrugs. “He's probably in the gym in the basement. Or he's still asleep. He tends to be a late riser. Though with you here, I have a feeling he'll be up earlier than usual."
"How do things work between the three of you?" I can’t seem to help my curiosity.
"You mean because Grey and I aren't in a sexual or romantic relationship but we share an omega?" Enzo asks.
I nod. “I guess, yeah. The pack I grew up in was different from this. My father is the pack omega, but my mother is the only one with him in any sexual way. The others are betas who have their own relationships outside the pack."
Enzo casts me an understanding look. “Ah, so no sharing."