Page 7 of Restless Omega
"Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea."
I hope my nose is wrong. It has to be. I can’t have found an alpha whose scent appeals to me this strongly.
Chapter Four
NOT SINCE OLLIE HAVE I scented something so delicious, so sweet, so tempting.
I search the crowd of tittering omegas and puffed up alphas in their finest for the source of the mouthwatering summertime scent, but I can't track it. Whoever it belongs to has disappeared. Every atom inside me wants to track and claim, but I force myself to remain at my mother's side.
Whoever they are, I’ll find them again eventually.
And then I’ll have to decide what to do. Because I already have an omega and I have no plans to give him up for another. And there's no way two omegas can be in the same pack.
Better if I keep my distance from whoever it is who smells like honeysuckle and sunshine.
I’m going to need to get out of here as soon as possible though, so I’m not tempted to hunt them down.
I’m only even at this ridiculous event to support my mother, the mayor, and because I’m on the town council. My jackass of a brother had to work, and I certainly didn’t bring my omega to this damn ball. Our beta is here somewhere since I guilted him into coming, but he’s probably hiding in the library or something since he hates people.
He can make excuses for me after I make my escape. Or he can hold me down so I don’t go searching for the source of that scent.