Page 98 of Restless Omega
"I'm leaving."
He blinks at my abrupt statement. “What?"
"I'm getting out. Fleeing the country. Come with me,” I beg.
"What?" Father repeats himself, his expression stunned.
I nod excitedly. “I can get you papers too. You can be free of her, of this cursed society that will never fucking change."
This is what started my journey in this fight— getting us away from my mother.
Father hesitates, looking terrified instead of relieved or excited like I expected. “Aurora... I... I don't know."
"Think about it. Let me know soon so I can get them started on yours too. Please, come with me."
He jumps to his feet. “I should go. Think about what I said too. If you're caught... you know you'll be sent to the breeders. Or they'll just shoot you at the border."
I smile sadly at him. “I know. But it's worth the risk."
"I'll try to sneak away again soon. I love you." He hugs me tight.
I swallow hard as I hug him back. “I love you too, Dad."
My throat closes and I sink onto the couch once the door closes behind him.
Oliver stares at the door with a strained expression. “Fuck."
I nod. “Yeah."
Oliver sits next to me. “Maybe you should have them get papers ready just in case he changes his mind."
"I suppose. But I don't think he'll leave her. He doesn’t know anything else. She's got a stranglehold on him. Even if our society magically changed, I don't think he'd leave."
Oliver rubs my back. “You can't force him, love.”
"I know. But fuck. How do I leave him? She might kill him if I humiliate her again?"
My mother is desperate to prove her dominance. Against everyone.
"Hell, it must really drive her crazy to have such a rebellious omega daughter,” Grey says as he drops down on my other side.
I scoff. “She bred me to be like this. Maybe I'd be satisfied with my lot in life if I'd had a kinder alpha parent."
Callan sits across from us. ”I think you were always going to be an omega champion, regardless of your background. You don't have to have a shitty backstory to fight for what's right, to see injustices."
I groan. “Fuck. What should I do?"
Enzo casts me a sad smile. ”We can't answer that for you. But know you're welcome to stay here as long as you need while you decide. We're even happy to help hold off the OCP to give you the time you need."
I refuse to let the tears fall. “You guys are way better than I deserve. I can't even begin to thank you for everything you've done."
Oliver nudges me. “We're happy to have you. Why don't you go relax in the library for a while? It always seems to center you. We'll get dinner ready. Do you want to invite Rose and Trix over?"
I facepalm. “Shit! I was going to stop by the store and get stuff to cook for you guys tonight, but I forgot."
Grey winces. “Uh..."
My eyes narrow on him. ”What?"