Page 17 of Not A Vampire
Dahlia grabbed her wrist and pushed it back into the stale mattress. "A lot, you minx. I wouldn't have taken so long, but jumping out of the fourth floor took a little more than I had to waste."
"The priest?"
She shook her head. "He said he's not a priest, but is an inquisitor. A hunter, although I've never heard of that being used as a rank before. And yes, he's still alive. Wasn't my first choice, but it sounded better than taking one of those spikes right through my soul."
"But you're ok." Mei lifted herself up to meet Dahlia's mouth. The kiss was fast and said more than words could.
Pressing her back into the sheets, Dahlia made it linger, begging for more, and Mei gave it. For a moment, nothing else mattered. They were together. They were safe. Right now, the only person who knew about them was a horny college guy who thought he'd just hit the jackpot, unaware they were using him. Too many times, they'd gotten lucky, and one day it was going to run out. They both knew it, even if they refused to talk about it.
Soft sounds tinted each breath. Mei's fingers slipped between the tangles in Dahlia's hair, tying them closer. Dahlia didn't try to fight it. She wanted to be touched and remembered, to feel everything about the one person who shared this existence with her. Each caress got seared into her mind to be treasured, because one day it was all they would have. Eternity wasn't guaranteed - not for them.
"Hey," she whispered. "Where are we going next?"
Mei grumbled, not wanting to talk but knew they had to. "If we keep following the highway, they'll figure it out. Maybe grab a flight out west?"
Dahlia groaned and flopped over beside her. "I hate the West Coast. How hard do you think it'd be to get into Europe?"
"Passports," Mei reminded her. "I don't even want to think about the hell that would be to fake. Never mind that the hunters over there are truly insane. Maybe head south? Austin fits the bill."
"Too close. You know how these guys work. If strange things happen, they'll just hop in a damned van - or twelve - and come see."
"Mm." Mei turned, snuggling into her. "How about Utah? I can't remember the last time we went there."
That made Dahlia giggle. "Before there were highways. It's pretty conservative."
"Which means lots of stored-up kink." Mei was grinning. "And isn't that group into polygamy or something?"
"Wrong century." Dahlia tapped Mei's cute little nose. "But sure. Salt Lake City sounds nice this time of year. Let's pamper our boy, buy some clothes, and get the hell out of Texas." Then she groaned. "And flying means going back into Dallas or Arlington. I think we can take the bus from here, though?"
"Yeah. The bus sounds like a better plan." Mei stretched the last inch to kiss her. "I love you, Valka. Always will."
Those words made warmth fill her chest. This woman had been through hell and back for Dahlia. She'd proven herself time and time again. Over the centuries, they'd formed a bond so much stronger than friendship. It was trust, desperation, and the most raw love possible, all wrapped up together. What they had was real, and it had withstood the test of time.
"I love you, too, Li Xiu. Until the sun no longer shines," she breathed.
Pressing her hand against Mei's long dark hair, Dahlia just looked at her lover, enjoying what life they were allowed. It wasn't the glorious existence told in stories, but it would do. They weren't alone, like so many of their kind. After six hundred years together, neither doubted the other. That was why they'd shared their real names, so even time and space couldn't keep them apart. It was a leash, but one freely given.
When Bennet returned, he found them making out on his bed. He couldn't help but laugh when he placed the coffee on the only desk in the room and joined them. At his age, it was an opportunity too good to waste. At theirs, it was one more chance to sample the youth they'd long forgotten. They spent the next few hours savoring the exhilaration of life, and Bennet was more than happy to become their toy.
When they were finally done with him, the sun was setting, bathing the room in golden light. Mei shrugged on her little red dress with a tee over it, and Dahlia wore Bennet's tee and a pair of his shorts. Carrying what was left of their bloodstained clothes, they moved their goodbyes into the hall, making sure every guy on the floor knew what Bennet had been doing. He kissed one woman, then the other, unaware they could taste his regret. He didn't want them to go, but staying would be worse and the women knew it. The poor guy was barely able to stand as it was.
But they didn't even make it down the first flight before someone called out congratulations to the young stud. Mei giggled, catching Dahlia's eye, and they moved a little faster. Let him enjoy this. It wouldn't hurt them any, and would give him the confidence he deserved. It was the least they could do to pay him back.
"We're not very evil, you know," Mei whispered as they crossed the lobby.
Dahlia shrugged. "Tell that to the Church. Seems enjoying anything is forbidden."
"Doesn't mean we're evil."
"No," she agreed, "it doesn't, but I'm not sure the asshole from last night would feel the same."
"Truck guy or Church guy?" Mei asked, making sure she was on the same page.
Dahlia stepped through the door onto the campus grounds before answering. "Truck guy. Fucker thought that because I was wearing a dress and heels, I had to be a whore. When they find him, you can be sure they will paint me as a very evil woman."
Mei jerked her head up the hill. "I think there's a store this way where we can both get some clothes. And do you even care what the news says?"
Dahlia angled her steps to a large garbage bin. "No, but it drives the inquisitors. They have this strict idea of right and wrong. None of them stop to think if the crime is justified or forced. They don't care why we do what we do. All that matters is that we don't fit in their narrow little world view." Then she tossed the remnants of her silver dress into the trash.