Page 26 of Not A Vampire
He caught her waist on both sides and pulled her to him. "Still not a priest, Dahlia. I'm also not shy. So, what is an eidolon if not a demon?"
She positioned herself right over him, thankful that panties hadn't been in the budget. "We're what happens when the body dies, but the soul doesn't. We used to be people. We didn't ask for this, and now we're stuck with it, enjoying the luxury of fucking for dinner."
Then she sank down, sucking in a breath when she realized just how big this guy's dick really was. Yeah, this was exactly what she needed. Thane's eyes only closed for a moment, but he didn't thrust. He also didn't let go of her waist.
"How old are you?"
She rocked her hips, feeling him press against the best parts inside her. "I have no idea. How close are the priests to catching us?"
"Not very," he admitted, his voice a bit deeper than it had been before. "It's my night off. I was honestly looking to get laid tonight. Nothing more."
"This," she promised, "is going to be a whole lot more."
Chapter Eleven
Thane didn't thrust into her. He didn't help her at all, but each time she moved, his breath caught, his eyes closed, or he moaned. Her dress hung over her ass, hiding their connection from view, but people walked all around them. Some danced. Some drank. A few looked over and laughed, aware of what they were doing, and yet it didn't matter.
Then Thane sucked in a breath and tensed. His eyes immediately went to his left arm. A split second later, Mei's hands landed on the back of his chair. Then she leaned over.
"Hello, priest," she purred.
"Not a priest," he told her, just like he'd said to Dahlia so many times before. "Got my dick up your partner, so I think that's proof enough."
Mei smiled. "Benefits of age. Shame, because I'd ride you next if you didn't feel like sandpaper inside my skin." Then Mei pressed her lips right beside his ear. "And it's girlfriend. Just think about the threesome you're missing out on."
Dahlia leaned closer, palmed the side of Mei's face, and kissed her. Inside her body, Thane throbbed in appreciation, but when he moaned out his approval, it was more than Mei could take. She giggled, pulling away.
"Enjoy him, get what you can, and if he makes a wrong move, I'll snap his neck." She turned to look at Thane. "You hear me, boy? And keep those spikes of yours far, far away from us."
"Don't have any tonight," he promised. "I'm off duty - and at the mercy of you both."
"Enjoy it," Mei said before heading back toward the bar.
Dahlia rocked against him again, making sure that little exchange didn't send the blood away from where she wanted it. "You're rather amiable like this."
"I'd like you to know I was pretty damned amiable the night we met," he countered. "And do that again. Feels fucking amazing."
So she did, rocking more than bouncing on him. She didn't want this to end too fast, and the longer he was inside her, turned on by her, the more vitality she consumed. The problem was that she liked his arrogance. She was getting turned on by the casual way he simply allowed her to use his body. Oh, he wanted this, but he was trying his best to act like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Why haven't you tried to use a Word?" she asked.
He shifted his grip to her hips, and encouraged her to roll them just a bit more. "Can't. I'm a hunter, not a priest."
"You have the power," she countered.
"I have too much power," he explained. "Makes me useless to the Church as anything but a grunt. That's what hunters are. The oldest son becomes a priest. The younger breed the next generation unless the power burns out our fertility."
"What?" she asked, stopping completely.
"Don't tease, babe," he said, tugging for her to keep rocking on him. "If you want the payout, just sitting on my junk isn't going to make it happen."
"What do you mean about breeding more?" she asked. "And fertility?"
"Completely sterile," he said as he thrust his hips up, reminding her what they were supposed to be doing. "Shooting blanks. Not just low fertility, but I can't make a damned working swimmer. They're all broken. I will never have kids, so I was made into a hunter."
"The Church is breeding priests?" she asked.