Page 33 of Not A Vampire
Dale's eyes narrowed, but he didn't try to contradict Thane at all. That was good, because Thane had pretty much reached the end of his excuses. Most of that was bullshit, but it sounded like good and loyal bullshit. Hopefully, it would be the kind that would keep the Bishop from asking too many questions about what he was doing.
But when they made it back to the church that night, the whole team headed for the hunters' area. Dale didn't. Thane saw the man headed the opposite way, straight to the Bishop's office. He had a bad feeling that he was going to get called in for one more round of questions, and he had a feeling that if he didn't say the right thing, someone would end up on a stake.
He was just scared it wouldn't be him.
Chapter Fourteen
After they left the club, Mei's catch of the night came out. She'd promised him a good time, and when he saw her meet up with Dahlia, he'd clearly decided she wasn't full of it. The guy had come with a group of his friends, but for the chance at a threesome, he was more than willing to pay for an Uber back home.
He didn't even complain too much when Mei and Dahlia all but ignored him. Mei rode his dick, so he got his fair share, but she was more worried about taking care of Dahlia. When they were done, all three of them fell asleep in his bed that night, then woke up to his roommates coming in just before dawn. One of the guys threw open the door, cussing their mate out for being a pussy, then just laughed and walked away when they found him in bed with two women.
The guy let Dahlia and Mei sleep in. Around noon, he asked if either wanted breakfast. Neither one did, since real food didn't do much for them, but they both took a coffee. In the kitchen. Where his roommates could see his latest conquests. It seemed to be all the guy wanted, which was pretty par for the course.
Yet what Thane had told her was still rolling around in Dahlia's mind. When they left, the women decided it was time to spend a little money on a hotel. They found the shittiest dive they could. Dahlia used her ID on the form, but only paid for a single. It didn't really matter. She and Mei would be sharing the bed anyway.
As soon as Dahlia unlocked the room, Mei headed right for the bathroom and started running the water. The tiny little alcove wasn't big enough for two, but it had good pressure and the hot water didn't run out. The moment Mei stepped out, Dahlia took her place, scrubbing every inch of her skin.
When she got out, Mei was lying in the bed, wrapped up in the covers, and daytime game shows were playing softly on the TV. Dahlia flopped down beside her with a sigh, thankful to have a moment alone for once. Day after day, they'd been playing to someone's fantasies, pretending to be normal, and she was just so mentally exhausted.
"So, I may have slipped sixty bucks out of that guy's wallet this morning," Mei said a little too innocently.
"Which puts us right around a hundred," Dahlia groaned. "Fuck. At this rate, we're never going to get out of Texas."
"Yeah," Mei agreed, rolling over on her belly to meet Dahlia's eyes. "We need phones. We need to run some escort ads. We have to do something."
"One phone," Dahlia decided. "We'll have to work from Craigslist and such, though. Thane said they'll keep looking for us for a month."
"What else did he say?" Mei asked. "I mean, if you two managed a real conversation while you rode on him like he was a rocking chair."
Dahlia huffed at that. "Well, I was trying not to get us thrown out."
"And still fucking him in the club!" Mei's mouth was hanging open in mock-horror. "I think you like this guy!"
Dahlia shoved both hands over her face. "I like that he's strong and powerful. The first time I saw him, I thought he looked like a warrior from old."
"He kinda does," Mei agreed.
"He's an inquisitor!"
Mei just shrugged that off. "Doesn't make him any less sexy. Besides, he knows how they work, sweetie. If you think I'm against this thing between the two of you, well, I'm not. I promise that if touching him didn't feel like sticking my hands in ants, I'd be doing the same thing."
"Which is great," Dahlia said, "until he decides it's time to kill me. For every question I asked, he got an answer out of me, so I'm not sure this is a good idea."
"Did you tell him anything that will get us killed? And if so, what?" she countered. "They already know how to use those spikes. They've convinced themselves that we'll die in sunlight, or can't walk into churches. Whatever works for them in the moment. A mixture of old wives’ tales and mythology - but none of it applies!"
"I just..." Dahlia turned so she was facing her lover. "Mei, I pulled from him. That's why I fucked him. That man is stronger than any priest I've fought in a century. I couldn't kill him. I tried, and the best I could do was stop him. I'm not stronger than him, but I'm pretty sure he's not stronger than me, either."
"And you like them strong," Mei said.
"That means he's stronger than you," she snapped. "I had to drain him to give myself the advantage, but that's the thing. He..." She paused, trying to put the entire thing into a handful of words, and it wasn't easy. "You saw him. He was fine. I went from damned near empty to completely full, and he was still talking. He was fine."
"You rocked his world," Mei teased.
So Dahlia reached out for her ribs, tickling her in punishment. "Focus, you minx!"
"I am! I will!" Mei giggled.