Page 4 of Not A Vampire
The redhead was still there, writhing to the wailing vocals. Concentrate on her, Dahlia thought. Stop looking at the man and just concentrate on this girl until Mei's ready. Don't burn yourself out too soon. The night is young and your patience will pay off. He'll be even more interested if you aren't desperate. With the litany of orders running through her mind, she made herself dance.
The cherry was long gone, probably dropped somewhere when she first noticed her next lover, but it didn't matter. Her body would be enough temptation. This was a club. The whole purpose of coming here was to dance and enjoy herself, so Dahlia tried to do exactly that. Thankfully, Mei Yun didn't take long to catch up. Dahlia was losing herself in the motion with her eyes closed, focusing on the rhythms pounding through her body, when gentle fingers slid over her ribs. She'd know her partner's touch anywhere.
"Welcome back," she said, lifting her lids.
Mei smiled. The music was loud enough that most people needed to yell, but not them. They were on the same wavelength. Sometimes it felt like even talking was unnecessary. Mei knew her. She knew what Dahlia would do before she did it. They'd been together long enough that neither of them could imagine being alone anymore, and neither regretted it. They had an understanding that went deeper than anything either woman had known before. It was friendship, love, and trust all rolled up into something so much bigger. Their wild nights at the clubs were just one small part of it.
Mei slid closer, pressing into the hollows of Dahlia's body. "You look amazing tonight, you know. Tell me you'll wear that dress again?"
"Just for you," she swore.
Then Dahlia leaned down and kissed her. It was soft, sweet, and passionate. The pair twined their bodies together, ignoring the delirious stares around them. They were a dream come true, opposites in every way. From Mei's delicate dark beauty to Dahlia's brazen gold glory, they fulfilled most men's desires - and half the women's. They were opposites that matched so well, like Yin and Yang. That was why they worked. It was also why she loved Mei more than life. Mei completed her.
Slowly, Dahlia broke the kiss, sliding her fingers through Mei's hair. "Did you find your new toy?"
Mei tilted her head a bit to the side. "Blue hair, lip ring. This one's flying high on ecstasy. Makes them sweeter."
Dahlia flicked her eyes toward the corner where she knew the dark warrior still watched. "I think mine's going to be a challenge."
"Don't make him fall in love with you," Mei warned.
Dahlia laughed. "He'll be lucky if he remembers me in the morning. You going home with your azure wonder?"
Mei nodded. "Easier clean-up."
"Ok. Denton by dawn?"
"Promise," Mei swore, standing on tiptoes to kiss Dahlia one last time. "Have fun. I'll be around for a bit before I take him away. Gonna see if his friend wants to join in the fun."
"I'm outta here as soon as I get this guy's attention. Have a feeling he's going to have a few women trying to distract him." Dahlia grinned, then turned. The plan was set; now she just had to catch her fish.
For as long as she could remember, it always went the same way. Why mess with a plan that worked, right? The two girls made out in public, then went to stalk their prize. They were always seen. The men always hoped the attention of one meant he'd end up spending the night with both. Sometimes it did, but Mei and Dahlia had to be careful with that. They didn't want to earn a reputation.
With the women, it was harder. Occasionally, they liked the idea of sharing the beautiful couple, but they usually preferred to think their separation on the dance floor was a tiff - a relationship dissolving right before everyone's eyes. A few empty words and Dahlia could convince them she wanted a wild night of revenge. Oddly, that worked more often than it failed.
Either way, this meant she knew where her partner would be. That was what really mattered. So long as they had a time frame, they could make sure the other was safe. Picking up strangers at a bar wasn't exactly the smartest thing, but it almost guaranteed that each of them would find someone willing to be seduced. So far, the only people who'd turned Dahlia down were women, which meant her beautiful warrior didn't stand a chance.
She pushed around another body and saw him still leaning in the same place with his phone in his hand. Dahlia headed straight for him. A single heartbeat later, the man noticed, turning those dark eyes on her. The corner of his lip curled higher even as he shoved his phone into his pocket. For the first time in years, Dahlia's heart beat harder with excitement. Then he smiled.
"Lose something?" he asked, his voice raised to carry over the music.
She smiled. "I could, unless you're waiting for someone else?"
He shifted his legs, making it easier for her to come closer. "Tell me, what could you lose?" His expression was almost smug.
"My innocence."
He slowly shook his head. "I doubt that."
So she stepped up to his chest. "Would you prefer I said my heart?" She cocked her head, daring him to answer.
Instead, his hands found her hips, pulling her against him - hard. "I'm not looking for hearts tonight, beautiful. Just a little attention."
"Well, I think that's one thing I can afford to lose."
Standing only a few inches shorter, it was so easy to claim his mouth. The man didn't even try to resist. She caught his lower lip in her teeth and bit just hard enough to taste the bitter tang of him. She sucked it in, gasping with pleasure, and his tongue took the invitation. Their mouths tangled together while his hands moved higher, sliding along the lines of her back until he caught her neck, holding her where he wanted. He was so strong. She could feel the power of him waiting to be unleashed. This man was exactly what she'd been wanting.
She pulled back for a breath, but he wouldn't let her go far. "What's your name?" he asked.