Page 95 of Not A Vampire
"Promise," she said before ending the call.
But hearing from him made her feel a lot better about all of this. Cain was no fool. That was how he'd survived as long as he had. If she could bounce ideas off him, she'd have the impartiality she needed. So, after scarfing back the last of the pie and taking a big gulp of coffee, she paid her bill and got back into Thane's truck.
Then she headed north on the interstate. It didn't take long until she saw the first sign for a rest area. Following that, she found a parking spot out of the way, turned off the truck, and picked up the phone again. Cain answered on the second ring.
"Valerie?" he asked.
"Gonna take me a bit to get used to that," she admitted. "So, are you sitting down?"
It took him a second to answer. "I am now. What's going on?"
"Inquisitors are breeding, Cain. They aren't recruiting those they find with the power. They have a modern church system. It's called the Church of the Holy Inquisition, but it's run like any Catholic- or Baptist-type church you'd find anywhere in America. I don't know about anywhere else, but I got a lot of information about what's going on here."
"Ok, so the Inquisition has become a chain store," he said. "What does this have to do with Iowa?"
"They have a branch in every state except Iowa, Hawaii, and Alaska. That means Iowa is safe, and Des Moines should be busy enough to hide us. All of us, Cain. I have a source on the inside, and the more I hear, the more I think we have to stop running."
"Who's the source?"
"A hunter. Not a priest, a hunter. Yes, they have divisions to hunt us. The hunters have the power, but aren't trained in the Words. The priests use them. Hunters focus on physical combat with us, and they carry those damned stakes. Mei and I got caught in a club. We lost everything, and while we tried to get enough cash together to leave, they were hunting us. We put a serious dent in the Dallas branch, but they'll recover."
"How did you come back?" Cain asked again, aware that her answer earlier had left a lot out.
"His name is Thane; they killed his mother and are holding his older brother - the priest - as ransom against him. He didn't kill me. He had the chance so many times, and instead he fed me. He traded information, didn't turn us in, and helped. I'm currently driving his truck, using his credit cards, and I believe him."
"Did he kill Mei?" Cane asked, his tone barely controlled.
"No. He was chasing me at the time. He didn't know. They didn't tell him the plan; they just sent him to chase me down. I believe him. I know that's stupid, but he figured out my name, called me back from the Abyss, and helped me get away. Now, I want to destroy the Church, and he wants to help. Can you reach more of us?"
"It'll take time," he admitted. "First, we need a place to centralize. While I was waiting for your call, I found a hotel in Des Moines. Get a room there and let the front desk know that your date is coming to meet you."
"I don't have ID," she told him.
"Shit," he breathed. "Ok. I'll make a reservation and tell them to have a room key ready for my date. It's just a Holiday Inn, so don't get too excited, but it's easy to get in and out of."
"How are you on funds?" she asked.
"I'm fine," he promised. "I've stashed a few nest eggs away over the last few decades. International banking is handy for that. I'm not rich, but after two years as a history professor, three as a psychologist, and seventeen as a physicist back in the moon race, I'm doing ok. I also need to go away for a while, so no one recognizes my face."
"So, what's the plan?" she asked.
"First, we get to Iowa," he said. "Then we find a place to start gathering. When we have that ready, I'll reach out to more of us and let them know to spread the word. A safe place, Valerie? They'll come. I can promise you that."
"But will they fight back?" she asked. "If we do this, are we just clustering up and making it easier for them to hunt us?"
"Not this time," he promised. "If your guy is willing to talk, then maybe, just maybe, we can finally do something about them. I just need you to do two things for me, ok?"
"Anything," she promised.
"First, hold it together long enough to get here. Second? Eat something. I know you don't think you need it, but I want you topped up when you get here. Close your eyes and think of your husband. I don't honestly care, but you will eat."
"I ate this morning," she assured him, thinking of Thane. "But I'll find a snack in the next big city I go through. Promise."
"And no body count," he added. "Leave them walking, Iona."
"I've learned a few things since we met in Alexandria," she promised. "I'll be in Iowa by midnight. I'm about five hours out."
"About four and a half from here to there," Cain said. "Take your time, because I need to pack a few things if I'm starting over."