Page 32 of Vikings from Mars
“Oh …”
Skars rolled his eyes at her trying to work herself out of that lie.
“Oh … That’s to build anticipation.”
“Why would I need to build anticipation when I already want you?”
Seeing the shock on her face, Skars wanted to shake his head at the human males. How could this beautiful woman doubt her desirability?
“You’re attracted to me?”
“I find you very desirable.”
Her hand went to her stomach with a worried frown. “That’s only because you haven’t seen me compared to other women. I’m overweight compared to other women.”
Skars gave a snort. “Fragile women who would run rather than fight an Olggan?”
Her frown cleared at the compliment. “You know, you’re right. I didn’t run.”
Noticing she was looking around for something, he questioned her. “You have a need?”
“I don’t see any soap?”
“Pluck one of the red or pink flowers from the plants near you,” he instructed.
Watching the mirror, Skars saw her pluck the pink one and started rubbing it on her skin to make a lather.
“This smells fantastic. Can I take some of these with me when you take me to Earth? We’re starting to run low on soap.”
“Já,” he easily lied in kind.
When she started washing her hair, he had to quell himself from joining her under the water. The movement was making her breasts jut out, as if begging him to suckle on one.
“I expected the water to be cold,” she said inanely. “It’s the perfect temperature.”
“The rocks at your feet automatically set a comfortable temperature for whoever is using it.”
“Wow, and Earth thinks they’re advanced. I’m finished. Where are the towels?”
“You don’t need one. Step off the rocks onto the wood next to you.”
Skars watched as she did as instructed. She started trembling as air blew upward and downward from the vents. Her berry nipples turned a deeper shade of red. The sight had him partially rising from the bench, about to make Raine his bride in fact when a transmission came in from Bjorn.
Pressing a button on his shoulder, he listened to the message. Then, abruptly rising, he went to the doorway, ignoring Raine’s startled squeak of outrage.
Going into his bedroom, he came back with a thin covering, which was usually used on the bed. Returning to Raine, he averted his gaze, handing her the cover. “You may use this to cover yourself. Come with me, and we’ll find garments to fit you.”
“You could have told me where this was, and I could have gotten it for myself.”
Skars turned as she wound the covering around herself. “The nejim that Tayla and Ulf were in crashed …”
His wife went pale as he began explaining his urgency.
“Before Bjorn could land to get them, they were taken captive.”
“By the Olggans?”
“No, by the Volzon.”
“What are we going to do?”
“We have to do something,” she argued, tightening the cover around her.
“We have to wait.”
“For what?”
“Their ransom demand.”
Chapter 13
“You may choose which garments you prefer.”
Raine pulled the satin sheet tighter around her breasts. How was she supposed to choose? When Skars had started opening the three chests along the wall of the guest room, she hadn’t expected him to take out the myriad of clothes that made it impossible to choose from.
Spreading the clothes out on a bed that Raine estimated was the size of a California king and a queen that took up most of the room, she could only stare in indecision.
“Would you prefer for me to choose for you?”
Raine quickly shook her head. “No, thank you.” Hesitantly touching the soft material of a pair of peach pants, she stared wistfully at the matching blouse. She would never be able to fit in the outfit.
“You choose the …”
Raine shook her head. “It won’t fit.” Embarrassed, she looked toward Skars. “None of these will.”
Skars’ brow knitted in a frown. “How do you know if you don’t try them on?”
“I just do.” Raine waved her hand over the clothes on the bed then waved it downward over her body. “I wouldn’t be able to get the zipper closed on the pants.”
Confusion filled his face. “Zipper?”
“You know the part …” Raine started to explain then thought it would be easier just to show him. “I’ll be right back.” Returning to the Garden of Eden bathroom, Raine couldn’t help but give it another appreciative glance.
The room was beautiful. It was how she had always imagined the Garden of Eden to look. Lush greenery covered the walls and the floor, except where the water was trinkling from the ceiling. There, it had something that appeared like AstroTurf, but wasn’t. It had the feel of real grass on her bare feet, but the texture was different.
Picking up her clothes, she reluctantly went back into the other room, despite wanting to toss the sheet and step back under the water just so she would be able to experience the body drier again. Whoever had invented that bad boy deserved the trophy for inventor of the year. Raine personally thought it was a shame Earth didn’t have any. They could have brought world peace.