Page 49 of Vikings from Mars
His stiff posture started to ease out his rigid frame. “I apologize. My jealousy overtook my judgment.”
“Yes, it did.” Raine wasn’t ready to kiss and make up.
She was extremely proud of herself for standing up to Skars. It’s a brand-new you, she complimented herself as she stepped out of the elevator with Skars.
“And I’ll tell you something else …” Querulously, she turned her head to give him hell about hurting her feelings yet again, but Raine didn’t recognize this portion of Skars’ ship as being one she had been seen before.
“Uh … Skars, is … that … Earth?”
Chapter 21
Skars turned his head to see what Raine was gaping at. Through the clear protective walls of the walkway, which led to Thorsen’s ship, he saw Earth orbiting below.
He turned his head back to her, and his eyes widened when he saw Raine lying on the floor. Kneeling next to her, he couldn’t understand what had happened to his wife. One moment, she was standing there, giving him hell, and the next, she was splayed out on the connecting walkway. Had he not given her enough to drink for her human body?
Bending his head down to make sure she was still breathing, he jerked his head upright again at hearing a startled scream.
“I told you he was a vampire!”
If he weren’t so concerned about his wife, he would strangle the female woman screeching at the top of her lungs from within the elevator filled with the other humans and Bjorn and Njal.
Before he could get the ringing in his ears to stop, Lucas shouldered his way out of the elevator to kneel down next to Raine. “What happened to her?”
“I do not know. She was talking to me, and then she was on the floor.”
Accusatory steel-blue eyes glared at him. “You must have …”
Skars saw his head turn to the side, his eyes widening.
“Are we in outer space?”
Skars nodded. “I told you Thorsen had arrived. His ship is much larger than mine. We felt his ship would be too big a target to remain in Earth’s atmosphere.”
“You might have made that much clearer before letting Raine walk out on what looks like a glass floor.”
“It is not glass. The material is made from the strongest—”
“I do not care,” Lucas bluntly stopped him from completing his explanation. “And I don’t think Raine will, either. She is terrified of heights. We have to get here out of here before she comes to.”
When Lucas started to lift Raine, Skars pushed him away. “I will carry my wife.”
Taking Raine into his arms, he started striding down the corridor as the others hurried after him. Reaching Thorsen’s elevator, Skars was forced to wait for the rest to cram inside before the door would close.
“Didn’t Raine tell you she is afraid of heights?” the female with blue hair ventured to ask.
“She did. I forgot.”
Unable to escape the mixture of emotions on the faces around him, Skars ignored those who were staring at him in irritation and glared at Milly, who had called him a vampire and seemed pleased at the condition Raine was in. Then he managed to give Bjorn and Njal an accusatory look for the one of sympathy they were giving him.
They feel sorry for him! The chieftain’s deputy! They saw Raine as weak, and they were giving him sympathy for taking a weakling for a bride.
Concern for his wife prevented him from smashing his friends to the floor.
“Move,” he commanded when the door opened.
His hurt pride was soothed when everyone practically ran over each other to get out.
Carrying Raine into Thorsen’s greeting room, Skars maneuvered through the waiting clan members.
“Who …?” Thorsen started to ask as he pushed by his brother without stopping.
“My wife.” Placing Raine down on the soft cushion of the seating bench, Skars hovered over her.
“Trygve,” Skars called out for the healer.
“I am here. Move aside.”
Reluctantly, Skars stood to give Trygve space enough to care for Raine.
Thorsen peered over Trygve to look at Raine in interest. “Is she breathing?”
Skars wanted nothing more than to grab the closest chalice of mead to ease the pounding in his head. “I think so.” Skars had to link his hands behind his back to prevent himself from shaking Raine awake to make sure she was alright.
The brothers watched as Trygve took a small vial out of his pouch. Opening the pouch, he started to wave it under Raine’s nose.
Lucas’ shout had all the Vikings in the room reaching for their weapons. Skars had to close his eyes as the pain in his head increased when the women started screaming in terror at his clansmen’s actions.
“Halt,” Skars managed to get out through gritted teeth. “They react that way when they are frightened,” he explained to Thorsen, who appeared ready to chop off Milly’s head.
Skars instantly regretted not waiting until the deed was done. He could have gotten rid of Milly and would have been able to place the blame on Thorsen. He wouldn’t make that mistake again, Skars promised himself.