Page 8 of Catharsis
Chapter 5
“Still want to go ahead with this?” I ask Jonathan, just before the elevator leading to my stepbrother's penthouse apartment arrives.
“I’m sure,” he says and I can almost feel him vibrating with anxious energy.
The doors slide open and he lets me walk out first, while his eyes scan the elegant surroundings.
A moment later, we are both standing at Sebastian’s door and Jonathan rings the bell to announce us.
“Here goes,” I whisper.
Jonathan’s gaze is fixed on the large peephole and I don’t even know if he’s heard me muttering to myself.
The door opens and we come face-to-face with my half-naked stepbrother and two barely dressed young girls with piercings and tattoos who look like sisters, possibly twins.
Sebastian leads the girls out before ushering us in, the lavishness of his apartment making an immediate impression on us both.
“You must be Jonathan, right?” Sebastian inquires, holding out his hand. “I think I remember you from back in the day. You were the shy kid the bullies always picked on.”
Jonathan takes my stepbrother’s hand, delivering a firm handshake, “That’s right. Can’t say I really remember you though.”
Sebastian’s laugh is soft and menacing as he leads us to the settee overlooking the Thames. His eyes are trained on me and I have no doubt that he’s already thinking about all the deviant things he wishes he could do to me..
“Please, have a seat,” he says breezily, walking over to the massive mahogany bar near the floor-to-ceiling windows. “Drink?”
“Not for me, thank you,” Jonathan says and I just shake my head. Sebastian fills a tumbler with some kind of liquor and joins us a moment later.
“So, you are interested in finding out who those punks that attacked you were, correct? I’m guessing the cops don’t have a fucking clue who did it, am I right?”
“That’s correct. We had no luck with the police,” Jonathan says before I have time to speak. “Miranda says you might be able to help us out with your connections and all.”
“She told you about me, huh? I might have kept that between her and me, but what the hell?” Sebastian says and I see the look of confusion in Jonathan’s eyes. “I suppose I could help you two,” he adds softly, taking a cigar out of a leather-bound case and lighting it. “But it’s going to cost you, Miranda.”
Jonathan cuts me off again, talking before me. “Name your price, Sebastian.”
My stepbrother makes no attempt at concealing his interest in me and he makes sure that Jonathan notices. “My price, huh? Let me think it over for a sec.” His gaze lingers on my face, taking in the anguish in my eyes and the flush on my cheeks.
Jonathan is patient, waiting for my stepbrother to make a decision while I feel my heart race and my palms sweat in anticipation. Sebastian seems to be enjoying our distress, just as I knew he would. He leisurely takes another puff of his cigar before he speaks again. “I want to fuck you,” he says, looking straight at me, “while he watches.” He turns to Jonathan whose face has turned into a mask of disgust and pain. “Yes, that’s what I want,” he adds as if we didn’t hear him right the first time.
“You want to have sex with Miranda? Have you forgotten she's your stepsister?” Jonathan asks, his voice cold and bitter.
“Oh, my dear Jonathan,” my stepbrother taunts. “I guess Miranda forgot to mention that I’ve already fucked her little brains out. I still remember how she begged me to let her come while she was at my mercy. Bitches like the rough shit or didn’t you know?”
The urge to puke out what little I’ve eaten today suddenly strikes at the horror and disgust splayed on Jonathan’s face and I wonder how he’ll take the shocking news.
“I see,” Jonathan says in an eerily calm tone, but the strain behind his voice is unmistakable.
“Good. Do we have a deal, then?”
Jonathan turns to me and I shake my head no. But his eyes are glazed over now, the coolness of his hard voice chilling me to the very bone.
“We have a deal. Their first names are Bryson and Frank. Get us their full names and you’ll get your wish. Right, babe?” When Jonathan turns and locks eyes with me, I have never felt more ashamed in my life.
“Right,” I whisper, my head reeling from the new turn of events and Jonathan’s agreement with my stepbrother.
“I’ll let you know how it goes,” Sebastian says, putting out his cigar and standing. “Nice meeting you again, Jonathan.”
But Jonathan doesn’t hear him, he is already out the door and I rush after him. The elevator doors open and he grabs me by the arm, roughly dragging me in with him as the doors slide shut.