Page 11 of Dark Obsession

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Page 11 of Dark Obsession

I am so used to plunging into the unknown that any other surroundings and form of existence strike me as exotic and unsuitable for human beings.


My white heels clicked over the marble floors as I walked through the grand entrance of Ivy Manor, the home of excess and fake smiles built on a bed of lies. Father was standing by the large window that looked over his vast estate—a compound of hate and sadness was really all this place was. I stopped just on the threshold, took in a deep breath and fanned my hands over my skirt. I had dressed in a white and black striped pencil skirt tighter then a snakes grip on your jugular. Paired with a black silk blouse with white buttons, which I tucked into my skirt. My hair was tied in a long sleek ponytail that hung elegantly over my shoulder and trailed down my breast. Diamonds were on my wrist and a large ruby sat in the hollow of my cleavage. Father always wanted me on show eye candy for clients. They would pay through the nose to be involved in the Walsh empire and to stand in a room near the rarest gem of all—me. Father only had one daughter; I was it. Exquisite beauty inside an ugly world that he created. My grandfather always said, “You are his best asset, his pawn in an evil game. Remember who you are and play them all.”And I plan to do just that.

Stepping into the room, Father turns, as does the man that was standing just off to the left. His eyes met mine and his lips curved in a grin that had my pastel pink painted toes curling inside my heels. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, slipped on my I am a boss bitch face and walked toward the men.

“Mr. Kinahan this is my daughter, Brenyn, and also the family lawyer.” Father’s hand reached out for me, drawing me to his side. I pulled my lip into my teeth biting slightly as Mr. Kinahan’s eyes roamed over my body, causing the most electric feeling of sexual need to wash through me.

“Mr. Kinahan,” I spoke, placing my hand out toward him. He reached for mine, pulling it into a firm handshake.

“Ah, Miss…” He cocked his head. “Walsh.” It hurried out like it was aperitif, but you know that small piece of information I was not a married woman that was very much single and his for the taking.‘Well ain’t this an interesting development.’Bellz laughed, sitting on the edge of the huge olive-green sofa next to the magical being that is Mr. Kinahan. “Nice to meet you, Miss Walsh.” He pulled my hand to his lips and brushed them over my knuckles so softly, but dripping power and possession.

“As is to meet you also, Mr. Kinahan.” I blushed. I could feel the heat creeping up over my cheeks.

“Please, call me Killian.” ‘OMFG,OMFG’Bellz fell dramatically over the arm of the sofa and onto the cushions, her arms above her head. Her long hair fanned around her as the morning sun caught the blonde curls, sending a halo type glow around the top of her head. Fitting, as she was now an angel. I laughed slightly at her display. ‘Killian, Killian of Killian, kill me now,’she sang out, pulling her legs up to her chest.‘Kiss me, touch me, feel me.’I gave her the shut-up eyes and Killian pulled my hand tighter toward him, drawing my eyes back to his stunning silver moons that had a hue of golden light around the edges.

“She’s quite stunning, isn’t she?” Father asked Mr. Kinahan.

“Like a rare art piece, Mr. Walsh.” Father looked at me and smiled. Artin Walsh was a long slender man, stunning in his younger days. He always stood tall, held himself higher than anyone around him and commanded a room as soon as he stepped inside. But inside this room, in his castle, he was small in comparison to Killian. Father pulled my arm, releasing my hand from Killian’s and ushering us toward the large round table which basked in rays of warm sun from the massive windows that curved around this great room. Piles of papers were set out in three lots, one for each of us, and I was intrigued as to what Mr. Kinahan’s reason for being here in my parent’s home was, being that he spent his evenings inside a dark club watching women dance up and down poles.

“I’m trustworthy,” I spoke as I sat looking over the table at him. I could feel his eyes and knew exactly what was going through his pretty head. A million questions as to why a rich lawyer and heiress was dancing in a club at night.

“Most people aren’t,” he said.

“I’m not most people.”

“I’m starting to see that.” His smirk said it all and I cleared my throat, picking up the file in front of me and pretending to read it.

“What is this?” I question the men, my eyes moving from the file and up to meet the glare of Killian. My father’s eyes trained on me knowing that I would never allow him to slip into anything that wasn’t air tight and in his favor. But realistically, if he knew me at all, he would know that it was all for me. For years I had been taking for my own gain. I’ve been used and abused by the men in my life; used for my looks and as a sedative for my ever-crazy mother. I wanted to take from the hand that fed me and destroy the ones that thought it was ok to use me for their power plays and climb up the ladder to the top. Little did men like Eric, Killian and father know, I am the fucking top. You are meant to watch the silent ones closely, aren’t you? ‘This is why I love you, Brenyn. You’re so fucking smart it’s dangerous. Wallflower, huh? I laugh in the face of that,’ Bellz spoke beside me, tapping her fingers on the solid oak table we were seated around. I stole a sideways glance at my best friend. The one person who had seen past the money, the name, the looks. She had seen me. Brenyn Marie Walsh.

“Your daddy is a very rich and important man, and I’m a very ambitious and very bad man. I want his business, and nothing is going to stand in my way, least of all you.” Killian stated matter of factly. Spoken like it was normal to demand a man’s business right in front of him.

“Is that so, Mr. Kinahan,” I stated, linking my fingers in front of me and placing them over the file. “How do you plan on doing so?” I asked him, quite curious to hear his proposition to a man who didn’t need anyone’s help, and a daughter who had already taken ninety percent of it from him. Then there was her brothers who did nothing to help, just spent the money. They rode Daddy’s back and fed mother’s anxiety with constant news headlines.

“I have no idea what you’re asking for?” I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. My father smiled at me as I drew my eyes to meet his. He leaned back and also crossed his arms over his chest. This is why he had me. I watched, I made people nervous, and I cut throats, shattered other’s desire for power.

“I can make you more than you are,” Killian spoke, his words lassoed around my mind and drew me closer to him, intriguing me.

“I am already more than anyone can handle, Mr. Kinahan.” Bellz slapped her hands on the table, her head flung back and a cackle that would wake the dead left her body.‘Fuck, yesss, Bre. That’s the one. You tell him.’

“Men like me eat girls like you for breakfast. And not in a pleasurable way, Miss Walsh.” His words licked over my skin. I unfolded my hands and pressed them onto the table, pressing my feline body up slowly in a way that had a growl leaving his throat. His hand shot to his face running his index finger over his lip and chin trying to disguise that I made him nervous in a way no one ever had before.

“Well, Mr. Kinahan, looks like I will be seeing you at breakfast then. Eight a.m., don’t be late.” I picked up the file. Looking at Father, his smile was wide, his eyes gleaming with pride. His stunning little toy had played the game and he was proud. I did what I was bred to do. Mind fuck all around me.

‘I will be out for the rest of the day. If you need to reach me, call my cell.” Father nodded at me. I walked from the room leaving Mr. Kinahan with his jaw resting on the polished oak.

‘Well, well, where has my friend gone?’Bellz asked me as I walked from the room.

“I’ve always been there, Bellz, you just never saw me working,” I whispered out, missing her actual human form. Walking to the car, I slipped in. My black Audi still smelled like her and the hospital. I kept her blanket in the backseat, for the times when I needed a hug from the familiar warmth to avoid the cold harsh truth of reality. She’s gone and I’m alone.

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