Page 45 of Hybrid Moon Rising
“Are hybrids supernatural beings?”
The growl that tore from Draven’s chest shook the room, and he had no doubt Flora could hear him, even in the next room. His fangs lengthened, and he narrowed his gaze on Kade. “What the hell does that mean?”
“For fuck’s sake, Draven, the fact that you would even for a moment think I am suggesting you aren’t tells me you aren’t already ready to take on the tribes. You’re going to need that anger to do so, but you’ll also have to be smarter than them and shaking the building to prove your cock is bigger than theirs isn’t the answer.”
Draven closed his eyes and inhaled a shaky breath. He’d lost control. One statement made by his best friend about not being a part of the supernatural world because of who he was, and he’d lost control. He’d spent his entire life harnessing his control, which was more volatile due to his split nature. He couldn’t even blame this on his vampire side. This was all him—his need to prove himself as a wolf. His desire to take on the tribes for every hybrid who couldn’t. Kade was right. He needed to calm the fuck down and be the leader he’d worked so damn hard to be and ignore the fact the ground beneath him was no longer stable.
“I don’t think this is about hybrids, though,” Kade continued. “You’ll catch some backlash, but overall the wolves of the Americas accept hybrids, save the few moody old bastards who refuse to accept change. They’ll accept you eventually even as an Alpha.”
“Then what, oh wise one, do you think this is really about?” Draven’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
“The moonstone. Ambersy knows that the one who controls the moonstone controls the future of the wolves. Your father is right. We are at the beginning of the future. Our ancestors have been searching for centuries for that damn stone, and you’re telling me it's a coincidence that it just fell right in your lap attached to a very high profile member of the Scottish Vampire Delegation, whose leader also happens to be your father?”
“She’s just a Culling woman,” Draven scoffed, but even he knew there was no conviction behind his words.
Kade raised a brow and grinned, calling him on his shit. “We both know she’s not.”
At that moment, Draven hated Kade’s uncanny ability to see through him. It was what made him a good second, and an even better friend.
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel it.” Kade lifted his glass to his lips and downed the rest of the amber liquid. “The change not only in the air, but the shift in what’s happening in our world.”
He did feel it; it was something he’d felt long before Flora arrived, though. From the moment his father confided in him that he was ready to step down and allow Draven to take over the pack, he knew. He just wasn’t expecting everything to happen all at once. It was one thing for him to come out as a hybrid as a leader of their pack, it was another thing entirely for the heir to the vampires to also be a hybrid or the moonstone that had cursed his people for centuries to be found and restored.
Just finding the moonstone would change everything for his people—the ramifications were endless. The wolves currently living had never experienced a world where they could access their wolves at any time. Even Draven wasn’t sure what to do with the surge of emotions thrown at him from his wolf, and it wasn’t like he had full access.
Draven finished his whiskey. He set the glass on the dresser and let out a huff. “You know, for the first time I feel as though I’m exactly where I’m meant to be, only I’m stuck with my pants around my ankles, and I have no idea what the fuck the right answer is.”
Kade snorted. “I’ve seen you with your pants around your ankles. It’s not a good look on you.”
Draven glared daggers in his direction even as he bit back a grin. “Thanks, asshole.”
“I try.” Kade gave a mock bow complete with a flourish of the wrist. For being the quiet observant one, he also knew how to keep a light air about him that Draven appreciated.
Kade walked over and gave Draven a slap on the back. “Get some rest. Tomorrow we change the history of our people.”
“No pressure.”
Kade left, but in his wake he left Draven with more questions than answers.
Sleep didn’t come easy. In fact it didn’t come at all. The wind howled outside, cutting through the night like waves on a turbulent sea. Draven tossed and turned on the old mattress, his thoughts drifting between his conversation with Kade and the woman on the other side of the door.
The rapid beat of Flora’s heart indicated she wasn’t sleeping. Then again, he probably wouldn’t either after what she’d experienced in the bar. Hell, he probably wouldn’t have stepped foot in the damn town after what she’d been through.
But Flora wasn’t made from what most women were made of. She was lace and bows with shadows in her eyes. They were the worst kind of shadows too; the kind that were made to break a person. And yet she’d faced them alone, survived and still somehow managed to keep the flame within her alive. One that managed to warm even the coldest hearts. Namely his.
He was nearly asleep when Flora’s heart rate increased. Draven listened, ready to protect her from whatever caused her to startle.
What he didn’t expect was the soft, barely discernible moan that met his ears. He would have sworn he was hearing things if it wasn’t for the second breathy moan that followed, louder than the first and undeniably coming from the direction of Flora’s room.
What the fuck?Did her father send more men?
No, that didn’t make sense. If anyone crossed that threshold she didn’t want there she wouldn’t have hesitated to scream. She definitely wouldn’t be makingthatnoise.
Draven kicked off the covers and darted across the room to where the thin oak door separated them. He grasped the knob, and leaned in, ready to rip it off its hinges at the slightest indication of trouble.
“Oh. Oh gods,” Flora whimpered followed by a moan he knew damn well was one she made with fingers deep in her pussy.
A smile tugged at his lips; he’d never been more proud. This sweet woman was taking what belonged to her. And he had no doubt she was doing it with the skills he taught her.