Page 57 of Hybrid Moon Rising
Not just no, butfuckno.
Draven’s wolf let out a growl and for once he agreed with the grouchy asshole.
His refusal was on the tip of his tongue as he turned around and his gaze fell to where Flora slept in his bed.
What would happen if he married her? He knew immediately that it wouldn’t work. The pack would never accept her, and she didn’t deserve to live a life of snubs and flat-out betrayals.
But at the same time, he didn’t think he could love anyone else. Not after what he’d just experienced with her. He’d been with his fair share of women, but none of them held a candle to Flora, and he doubted any of them ever would.
Draven swallowed hard, past the lump lodged in his throat. “And if I don’t?”
“Then he is going to push the tribes and every pack in the Americas to denounce your claim to the Moon Ridge Pack.” His father’s voice fell to a whisper. “It would be an all-out war, son.”
He didn’t need to say any more. Draven knew what was expected of him. His father would go to war for him. Even if he didn’t take over right then, his legitimacy would always be an issue. They didn’t need another war. Not with the vampires and witches on the verge of one already.
The Goddess giveth and the Goddess taketh away.
One night. He’d gotten one night to experience what whole could feel like, only to be forced to choose between that liberating feeling and the pack he’d sworn to serve.
The choice should be easy. Pack came first. Pack always came first.
But her curls on his pillow, her scent clinging to his sheets, and the way she sparked a need in him to protect and claim—it was enough to make him reconsider.
Then he remembered: she had her own life, her own plans, and they didn’t include him. When all this was over, she’d return to Callum as a part of his court. She’d said as much the night before. It was wishful thinking to believe she was going to change her mind about being a vampire after a few days with him and one amazing night in bed.
He was good, but even he wasn’tthatgood.
“I’ll do it.”
“Son, we can find another way,” his father protested, sounding more like a friend than his Alpha. “That girl, she—”
“Is a passing tide.” Draven pressed his lips together, inhaled deeply through his nose and exhaled slowly. “Pack comes first.”
“I wish you didn’t have to do this. Your mother and I hoped you’d find your mate.”
Finding his mate was the only thing that could save him now. It was the only thing the wolves still revered above all else. But that was nearly impossible, and given that he hadn’t had an extreme epiphany when he’d laid eyes on her, he knew there was no chance. Flora wasn’t his true mate. He probably didn’t even have one, being a hybrid. “Not all of us are so lucky.”
“Don’t focus on that now. Find the stone. I’ll keep working on finding another way out of this mess.”
“I’ll let you know when I have an update.”
Draven hung up the phone and dressed quickly, trying to breathe through the now-suffocating scent of the woman in his bed. He needed air, needed to figure out how the fuck he was going to do the right thing. He wanted nothing more than to cling tight to the inexplicable happiness Flora gave him, but that wasn’t fair to her. She wasn’t mistress material. She was the real deal, and he’d do everything in his power to make sure she got what she wanted. Even if that meant turning her and walking away. If that’s what she wanted. But he wouldn’t treat her with disrespect.
His wolf whined in his chest, demanding he stay with Flora, but Draven shrugged him off. His wolf might not understand fully why he had to leave Flora, but it was for the best. He’d get over it, and Draven didn’t need the added guilt about what he had to do.
He exited the room and locked the door behind him, confident Flora would be safe for the moment. He raised his hand to knock on Mateo and Kade’s door across the hall, but the door opened before his fist connected with the wood.
A perfectly put together Kade stepped into the hallway, but when he looked past him, Draven didn’t miss Mateo lying on one of the double beds tangled in a mess of limbs and red curls.
Draven raised a brow at his second. “He let you watch?”
“You know the deal,” Kade grumbled, tying back his hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m the proverbial dim cigarette light in the corner.”
“You know he’d let you join,” Draven teased. Mateo and Kade developed their unwritten rules of engagement when they were all at boarding school. What happened between closed doors between the two of them was exactly that, between them. As long as it worked for them, he was happy.
Kade shook his head, but Draven didn’t miss the hint of a smile on his lips. “Not my thing.”
“Well, wake his ass up, and then make sure Flora gets some breakfast.”