Page 69 of Hybrid Moon Rising
But as quickly as the moment came it was gone, and she didn’t have more than a moment to consider what the hell had happened before Draven let out a growl that shook the forest around them.
The shadow Alpha stopped his approach and gave a subpar growl, before turning on his heels and scampering away into the glowing darkness of the forest that surrounded them.
A half sigh of relief escaped her lungs when the shadow wolves disappeared from sight, and she hoped with everything in her soul that they didn’t return with more.
Draven turned toward her, and for the first time, the extent of his injuries registered in her mind. Blood matted his fur and where just moments before his eyes held vibrancy and hope, they now drooped.
He took a step toward her, but when his paw hit the ground, it gave out and he stumbled, landing at her feet. His eyes rolled upward, and she could have sworn he was calling out to her through their depths.
“Don’t you dare close your eyes, Draven.”
His wolf let out a huff, and despite her order, his eyes fluttered closed.
Flora crawled to his side and cried his name, willing him to open his eyes again. She brought her head to his chest, uncaring that blood and guts transferred to her cheek. Seconds that felt like hours passed before she heard the sign of life she sought. The steady heart beat that gave her hope.
He needed blood. And probably a lot of it.
The knife she’d used to attack the shadow wolf guard had fallen from its neck and sat a few feet away. She grabbed it and wiped the black ooze from the blade against her pants, cleaning it as best she could. Then she sliced her wrist and placed it to where her blood dripped into Draven’s mouth.
Panic gripped her when he didn’t react. Pumping her fist to allow more blood to flow, she forced more into his mouth.
What the hell was she going to do without him? She didn’t even know where the hell she was or how to get back to the forest. It’s not like there was a door that said Exit Here at the edge of the clearing.
A glint of silver caught her eye on the ground beside Draven. Flora reached through his matted fur and found her half of the moonstone.
The thing was toxic. It had done nothing but bring them trouble. First bringing her to her hometown where she was almost kidnapped by her sadistic father. Then nearly drowning her. And finally leading them to be trapped in a realm filled with unfamiliar plants and wildlife that aimed to kill her.
If there was a way to ditch it and help the wolves she would. But the mission was bigger than just her wants.
Movement from Draven’s wolf startled her, and she dropped the stone into her lap. His body shifted and elongated, the fur that covered him head to toe receding into his flesh.
Soon it was no longer a wolf lying with its head in her lap, but the man she loved to hate. A very naked version of that man. She looked over his body, noting that the wounds he’d sustained hadn’t healed through his transformation or her blood.
His eyes flitted open and he whispered through swollen lips. “Luna.”
“I’m here.” She ran her fingers through his hair, brushing it off his face. “But we need to get somewhere safe. There’s a cabin a bit up the way. Can you walk?”
He looked up at her as if she were his saving grace before moving slowly, testing his limbs. “I can’t move my arm, my back is on fire and my leg needs to be set. I’m not healing properly.”
“Well I’m going to need you to try in case they come back. I don’t think I’m strong enough to drag you.”
He nodded at her, and she helped him stand.
Draven took her face in his hands and tipped her gaze toward him. “Are you okay?” His hoarse voice broke her.
“I’m fine.” She spoke confidently, hoping he didn’t detect her lie. The bite at her arm burned like a bitch and the slice at her wrist needed to be bandaged.
His eyes searched hers, but he must have been satisfied with her answer because he leaned into her, allowing her to take the brunt of his weight against her shoulders.
Every movement he made was accompanied by a grunt or a wince but slowly they made it to the log cabin.
When they reached the steps, Flora unwrapped her arm from his hip and moved to open the door, but was snatched back by Draven, who grabbed her wrist, staring down at the bite with a stricken expression.
A raspy growl tore from him, and he brought her wrist to eye level. “I thought you said you were okay.”
Flora rolled her eyes. Even when he was close to death's door, he was more concerned about her. “I’m fine for now. There are more important issues. Like why you aren’t healing, or the fact not all the shadow wolves are dead. We need to figure out how the hell to get out of here. ”