Page 7 of Hybrid Moon Rising
The opinions and speculations of the pack assaulted his ears. Whoever she was, his wolf wanted her near, and his vampire side wanted to consume her.
The woman moved toward him, but stumbled. Draven took a step forward, fully intending to jump from the stage to catch her, but Mateo beat him to it. He righted her, and kept an arm wrapped firmly around her torso.
Draven’s eyes narrowed on where his enforcer’s hand gripped her hip and when he opened his mouth to question again who she was, a growl tore from his lips instead.
I don’t have time to deal with your obsession, Draven chastised his wolf. The asshole hadn’t made an attempt to communicate with him and let him know why he was present in his chest, which only added to his frustration.
The woman untangled herself from Mateo’s grip, something that Draven was thankful for.
She stepped forward again, shoulders squared, and with more conviction than he expected, made the declaration herself.
“My name is Flora Valentine. I’m from the Scottish Vampire Delegation.”
“What is the meaning of this? Mateo?” Draven was glad his father spoke because words failed him. Nausea rolled through his stomach, pairing with the already-fucked-up state of his body. His half-brother’s eyes flashed in his mind, along with his promise that he would be in contact soon. Soon was relative when you were immortal, though. That was fifty years ago, but it didn’t change the fact that nothing good came from the Scottish Delegation showing up on his doorstep.
“She has something that you need to see, Alpha.”
His words were meant for his father, but Mateo’s eyes bored into Draven as if trying to convey something. If they were in wolf form, he’d be able to communicate with him, but seeing as neither of them had the ability to sprout fur at the moment, he was left trying to decipher the deeper meaning.
“With all due respect, I’m not here to see the Alpha,” Flora gritted, her eyes narrowing first on Mateo and then on Draven. The little spitfire had gumption, he’d give her that, but the rapid beat of her heart that quickened every time she looked at him told a different story. “I’m here to speak with Draven. Callum sent me.”
Her heartbeat was steady.Truth.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Draven met her fierce stare, fighting the need to stalk toward her, tangle his hand in her nest of blonde curls, yank her head back and demand she never utter that name in his presence again.
Nothing good could come from his asshole brother, and hearing his name fall from her perfect lips only fueled a need to tear into her neck and claim her as his own. He’d only met the bastard once and the interaction didn’t go well. “I don’t know a Callum.” The lie rolled off his tongue with ease. “So if you would show yourself the way out. Or better yet, show your way right back to your little vampire castle.”
“Draven, I think you ought to listen to her,” Mateo cautioned, and as much as he wanted to heed the warning, Draven was still being influenced by his wolf, who wanted to kill the man for touching Flora.
“Now is not the time,” Draven ground out. “She needs to go.”
“Sheis standing right here, andsheisn’t going anywhere until you listen to whatshehas to say.” Flora declared, putting her hands on her hips. She winced as she moved, which elicited a growl from his wolf. “Would you like to go somewhere more private?”
Draven looked out over his pack as they waited for his answer. It was a test, the first of what he was sure would be many as he transitioned into his father’s role. They wanted to see if he trusted them with pack knowledge and he did, but where his brother was concerned he had to be cautious.
He gave her a curt nod. “Yes, why don’t you join me at the pack house.”
“We deserve to hear what she has to say!” Someone from the back of the bar yelled.
“Yeah! The vampires are on the brink of war with the witches, as enforcers we have a right to know what we are up against,” another shouted.
Draven looked to his father for guidance but all he received was a sympathetic look and a nod.
This was it. He didn’t know how he knew, but something in his gut told him everything was about to change.
“Fine.” Draven conceded to the pack and then narrowed his gaze on Flora. “Why are you here?”
Flora tilted her head, her eyes focused on him. He saw every emotion as it crossed her face, the anger in her eyes, the confusion in her brow, the determination in her jaw. When she spoke she spoke with conviction. She’d given him and he didn’t take it. “Your brother sent me and as much as that egotistical maniac can choke on a pint, we need your help. Hybrids need your help.”
Mateo coughed beside her, trying to cover up the bomb she’d dropped, but it was useless. The secret he had tried to keep hidden, the one he’d planned to take to his grave was out in the open.
The whispers started almost immediately and brought all sense of order in the room to a complete halt.