Page 47 of Package Deal
Idrove home with one thought spinning in my head. How to convince Vera not to move back with her sisters? I wanted her to stay. No, I needed her to stay.
Was it selfish? Sure. But I didn’t care.
With Glen’s story about Mom’s death, I also learned something important about myself. Yes, I got violent urges, but I always directed them at the right people for the right crimes. The only urges I had around Vera were to drag her into bed or to wrap her up and never let anything harm her.
Apparently, I also gave the best snuggles. Her card had done me in with that one phrase.
And now, I was going to get home and tell her exactly that, then ask her to stay. Beg her, if I had to.
Why not? She was perfect for me, and Glen got along with her.
My phone rang. I pressed the Bluetooth into my ear and answered it.
“You need to get home ASAP,” Mince said. “Your dad broke in.”
My blood ran cold. “Vera and Glen?”
“Both inside. Glen activated the cameras, and it doesn’t look good. Your old man has a knife.”
Shit. “Call the cops and the ambulance.”
I disconnected the call and floored it, making the last two blocks, then parking on the street, so I wouldn’t announce my arrival with the giant iron gate opening.
As I snuck in through the back, I took off my shirt and stretched it in my hands. It’d have to do.
I peeked into the house in time to see Dad’s knife enter Vera’s abdomen. Her startled expression as she looked at Glen, then at the wound.
Glen used the chair to charge Dad and keep the knife away. Smart kid.
Coming up on Dad’s right, I kicked at his hand, but the asshole didn’t drop the knife like I had hoped. He whirled on me, the blade slicing through the air.
I caught his wrist with my shirt, twisting it, immobilizing it, then stepped closer and hit him on the back of the elbow, dislocating it. Glen smashed the chair into Dad’s back, then again against his skull. Dad’s body slackened, then dropped, unconscious.
Leaving him there, I dashed to Vera. “I gotcha, darling.”
Pressing my hands to the wound, I tried to stop the bleeding, but there was so much fucking blood. Where was that ambulance?
“Glen,” she croaked.
“He’s okay.” My frantic heartbeat drowned out the sirens. “Mince called the ambulance. You’ll be fine.”
“It’s not frothy,” she mumbled, her eyes fluttering closed.
“Stay with me, Vera. Don’t you dare leave me.” Where the hell was that ambulance?
The front and back doors flew open at the same time. “Hands where I can see them.”
I looked up at the police officers pouring in and gestured at Dad with my chin. “He stabbed her. I can’t raise my hands because I’m trying to stop the bleeding.” Not that it was doing much. “She needs an ambulance.”
Glen stepped between me and the officer pointing his gun at me. Brave kid, but I needed him to stay safe, not defend me with a broken chair.
"Little bro," I warned him, giving a tiny head shake.
Glen, being the usual stubborn teenager, didn't back away until the cop lowered his gun and came to crouch next to Vera, examining her.
"Her shoulder is bleeding," he said.
"Vera," I whispered.
She couldn't die. Not like this.
The longest minute later, paramedics rushed in, pushing me aside. As much as I never wanted to let go of Vera, they had to do their job, so I let them, walking to the side to talk to the police.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Glen asked.
“She'll be as good as new after we patch her up,” one of the paramedics said.
As good as new. Yeah, right. But she was a survivor. She could make it.