Page 20 of Master of Kayos
“Since you said Nathan is the firstborn alpha, that makes Nikita what?An omega?”
“No, she’s a beta.At least that’s what Blake says.Honestly, she feels more like an alpha to me.”
“How do you know she isn’t?Do you just take Blake’s word for it?”
“It’s a scent thing.Wolves can sense what every other wolf is.Blake said because Nikita’s a dire wolf, she smells different.”
“Jesus fuck.Okay, I’ll try to wrap my head around that later.What’s the difference in alphas, betas, and omegas?”
“Only alphas can rule.Betas are used as trackers and enforcers, and omegas bear the offspring.”
“So betas can’t get pregnant?You can’t have kids?That doesn’t make sense.Quinn is an alpha and she had Nikita.”
“Quinn’s not a...”Mercy leaned forward and sniffed Quinn.“Holy shit.Quinn’s an alpha.How is that possible?”
Quinn turned sideways so she could see Mercy.“Did you forget I took down Stewart?I only know what my mom wrote in her journals about my old pack, but the hierarchy was the same, except only males are allowed to lead.At least that’s how it was thirty-six years ago.”
“No, I didn’t forget.We just assumed it was because you’re a dire wolf and stronger than the average lupine.”
“Back to Nikita.If your nose is correct, she could be an alpha, and someone doesn’t want her to know it.How does she get along with her siblings?Do they know she is their half-sister?”
“They all get along as well as any other siblings.Sure, they squabble, but no more than other kids.As far as I know, the others are aware Nikita isn’t biologically Bethany’s.That would be impossible to hide because of her coloring when she’s in her fur.”
Kyllian’s head was spinning.“Is there anyone she doesn’t get along with?Someone who feels threatened because she is a dire wolf?”
Mercy stared out the side window.“Not that I’m aware of, but I’m not around her twenty-four seven.Nor do I know everyone’s heart.People can put on an act when deep down they feel something different.”Her voice held a note of melancholy as though she were speaking from experience.
“You got that shit right.”Quinn rubbed her jean-clad thigh with her free hand.Kyllian assumed she was thinking about Blake and how he duped Quinn into thinking he cared for her.
Kyllian tugged at the hand he was holding.“How are you going to handle seeing Blake again?”
When Kyllian turned for her answer, Quinn’s eyes were glacial.“I’m going to rip his fucking throat out.”