Page 59 of Master of Kayos
“Yep.I talked to them last night while you were snoring.Almost couldn’t hear them over the noise.”
Nikita glared at him.“I do not snore.”
Kyllian, keeping a straight face, nodded.“Do too.In fact, I’m worried about you.Might have to get Rev to check you out.See if there’s something wrong up there.”He twirled his finger in the direction of her face.
“Mom?You seriously mated this one?He’s rude and a lying liar who lies.”
Quinn had her lips curled in, but her body was shaking.Trenton’s eyes were on Kyllian, something warm shining his direction.Kyllian tugged Quinn’s ponytail, then kissed her temple.“I’m going to grab our bags out of the car and take a much-needed shower.I’ll leave the three of you to breakfast.”
“I don’t snore!”Nikita called to Kyllian’s back.
“You kind of do, but it’s just little snuffles,” Quinn said.“It’s adorable.”
“Thank you.Now, breakfast because starving here.”
Kyllian took his time going out to the car.He had spoken to his parents on the drive while Quinn and Nikita slept.Trenton and Sutton were the ones who planned on his parents coming to visit so soon, and Kyllian was glad for it.He didn’t want them to have to wait on meeting his girls.He sent Sutton a text requesting they stop and grab a few helmets in different sizes.He wanted to be able to take them out on his bike.He also texted Hayden and put in an order for a sidecar and told him how he wanted it painted.Hayden promised to put everything aside and make it priority.Knowing his mother, Rory would want to take Nikita shopping.Kyllian was okay with that because he hated malls with a passion.He would need to assess Nikita’s willingness to go back to a mall so soon, but knowing his girl, she wouldn’t think twice about it.Sutton and Trenton could visit while Kyllian took Quinn out for a ride.
As much as he wanted Quinn naked in the shower with him, he left her alone to be with her daughter and dad.Kyllian took his time under the hot water, jerking off while thinking of his mate’s mouth wrapped around his dick.She was too enticing, even doing nothing more than breathing, and imagining her on her knees got him off in record time.They really needed to find property and get that large house started ASAP.
“Biscuits!”Nikita’s mitt-covered hand pulled a pan out of the oven when he walked into the kitchen.“But you don’t get any,” she added, smirking.
“Yeah?Then you don’t get the surprise my parents are bringing.”
Nikita dropped the pan on the counter and whirled around.“Did I say no biscuits?I meant all the biscuits.Buttered?Jelly?How would you like them, oh father of mine?”She hugged the mitt to her chest.
Kyllian sucked in a breath.This kid was going to be the death of him.He figured she was joking, but still, he wanted her to call him dad.Wanted her to come to him when she needed guidance.He wanted her to know she was loved for more than her dire genes.
When he didn’t answer, Quinn came to the rescue.“Actually, he likes to pile them high with bacon and eggs with blackberry jam on the side.”She crossed the kitchen, pushing a mug of coffee into his hands.“Breathe, Baby,” she whispered.
Kyllian took the offering in one hand and gripped Quinn’s nape in the other.He pressed a quick kiss of thanks to her lips.Nikita helped Trenton get the food on the table with ease proving she hadn’t lied about doing the cooking in her old life.Kyllian refused to say “at home” because her home was with him and Quinn.While they dug into their food, Trenton spent most of his time staring at the girl.Kyllian wasn’t the only one smitten.Nikita was a charmer.Witty and sassy.
Quinn showed Nikita around while Kyllian helped Trenton clean up from breakfast.“Thank you,” Trenton said while loading the dishwasher.“All I’ve ever wanted was for Quinn to be happy, and you’ve made that happen.I can’t tell you the last time I heard her laugh, and Nikita?Goddess that girl is something.She reminds me of Quinn when she was younger.Before...Well, you know.”
“I do know.And I’m the one who’s happy.I’m thankful Pop chose me to watch over Quinn when you called.He could have chosen any of the Hounds, but he picked me.If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was psychic.”
“Or maybe he knows you better than you think.He and I talked at length last night.He said you’ve been in your head more than usual lately, and he wanted to give you something, or someone, else to focus on.It just worked out you were Quinn’s destined mate.”Trenton was quiet a few minutes as they finished up setting the kitchen back to rights.When laughter rang out from upstairs, Trenton smiled.“It’s funny how life can change on a dime.Talk to me, Son.How are you feeling about going from being a bachelor with no strings to being a mate and father in less than a week?”
Kyllian’s heart warmed at the honorific.Trenton Shepherd was a good man, and Kyllian was honored.“I never thought I could be this happy.I’ve watched all my brothers find their own mates recently, and honestly, I was envious.It wasn’t so bad before Hayden found Sadie and Mateo because he and I spent most of our time together.I’m always welcome at their home, but I don’t want to encroach when they’re still finding their feet.Now I’m the one who gets to come home every night to my mate and child.I know Nikita’s practically grown, but...”Kyllian paused when Quinn and Nikita came downstairs.
A monitor beeped, and Nikita looked around.“What’s that?”
“That would be your other grandparents at the gate,” Trenton said.“Come on, I’ll show you.”Kyllian and Quinn followed behind and waited while Trenton pointed to the portable screen on the counter.“Always check the monitor to see who’s at the gate.If it’s someone you don’t know, come get one of us.”
Nikita stared at the image, grinning.“May I?’Trenton gestured for her to continue, and Nikita pressed the talk button.“Shepherd residence.How may I direct your call?”
Sutton’s grin was wide.“You may direct me to my granddaughter.I come bearing gifts.”
Nikita bounced on her feet.“Let ‘em in!”Trenton pressed the button to open the gate, and Nikita took off toward the front door, not waiting on the rest of them.She rested against the porch rail, leaning over, bouncing on the balls of her feet.When the SUV came into view, she froze.
Kyllian was at her side in a heartbeat.“What’s wrong?”
“What if they don’t like me?”she whispered.
“Did you not see the smile on Pop’s face when you answered the buzzer?”Kyllian set his hands on her shoulders and squeezed.“Trouble, they already love you just as much as your mom, Papa T, and I do.Never doubt that.”
“Kyllian Lazlo, you turn her loose.Gram needs a hug,” Rory called out.Nikita was off like a shot.Rory wrapped Nikita in her arms, pressing kisses to her hair and whispering in her ear.Nikita nodded furiously at whatever it was Rory said as they rocked side to side.Sutton rounded the vehicle and waited his turn.Quinn stepped up next to Kyllian, watching the scene play out.When Rory passed Nikita off to Sutton, she turned her focus to Quinn.Rory smiled, walking up the steps.Holding out her arms, she told Quinn, “Come here and let me look at you.”Quinn placed her hand in Rory’s, and Rory brushed a strand of hair off her face.“Welcome to the family.”
“Dad, look!”Nikita called out.She was wearing a pair of riding goggles, grinning like a loon.