Page 69 of Master of Kayos
“It does.”He turned and called out, “Everyone ready?”
Quinn was confused until the brothers, Tamian, and Elijah walked around the house to the garage and all returned on their own bikes.There was a flurry of activity as all the females and kids went inside to bundle up.Since Trenton didn’t ride, Sutton and Rory were staying behind to keep him company.
Major ran through the house, yelling, “Wait for me, Lolly.I gotta pee!”
Nikita was grinning like a loon as she and Quinn put on their coats.“This is why Dad told me to bring my cap.Did you know?”
“I knew he had Hayden working on the sidecar, and I saw pictures of it in stages, but I didn’t know it was finished or that he bought a new bike.”
Nikita sighed.“He’s the best.”
Quinn tugged on one of the flaps of Nikita’s cap.“He sure is.”
Everyone was bundled up and climbing on their respective bikes when Major came bounding down the steps, his little helmet bobbing on his head.“Someone help me strap this thing on.”
Warryck knelt in front of the boy.“I got you, Little Man.”
Quinn grinned up at Kyllian.“I want one.”
Natalia passed by holding Marshall’s hand and muttered, “Two thousand, and he’s yours.”
“Sold,” Kyllian called after her.
“Princess, stop trying to sell off my son,” Maveryck said, slapping Natalia’s ass as she passed.
Quinn waited to see what the Russian would do.Instead of scowling, she arched her eyebrow and mouthed, “Later.”She got the twins situated in their sidecar with ease.Before climbing behind her mate, Natalia grabbed his beard and laid a passionate kiss on him.Maveryck was smirking as she climbed behind him and put her helmet on.
Nikita was seated in her personalized sidecar, a grin plastered on her face.Her earflaps stuck out from beneath her helmet, and her goggles were secure over her eyes.“This is gonna be so much fun.”
When everyone was ready, Ryker raised a fist and announced, “Hounds, let’s ride.”
There were whoops and hollers all around as they pulled down Lucy’s driveway.The deep rumble of the motors sent a thrill through Quinn’s core, and she let out her own “woohoo.”Nikita held out her hand for a high five, and Quinn smacked her gently before propping her triceps over her armrests.As much as she liked riding wrapped around Kyllian’s waist, her cushioned seat was much more comfortable.The seven bikes rode not side by side but staggered.Ryker took the lead with War next in line, followed by Tamian and Elijah.The three bikes with sidecars went last.
As Quinn took in the scenery, she couldn’t help but thank the goddess one more time for the gift or her mate, her daughter, and their family.