Page 113 of Fireworks with Three Mountain Men
Dylan shrugged. “I was going to use the money for a trip around the world, but I figured it was better spent on you guys. I’d rather help you two than lounge on a beach somewhere.”
“We owe you everything, man,” I said to him.
“Yeah, well… What’s family for?”
Cash punched Dylan in the arm. “Fatherhood’s made you a sap.”
“You’re one to talk, Mr.I-Have-To-Read-Asher-Twelve-Bedtime-Stories-Every-Night.”
“He won’t fall asleep otherwise!”
“He’sone,” I pointed out. “I’m pretty sure he’d fall asleep faster if you just left him alone.”
“Nah, he likes the sound of my voice, I can tell.”
“Things A Narcissist Would Sayfor five hundred, Alex.”
The creaky front doors to Old Marty’s gym pushed open, our little boy waddling in with his arms stretched out in front for balance. “Pop-Pop!” Asher gasped, hurrying over to the three of us.
“Careful, sweetie,” Julia reminded, following close on his tail. She threw us a wave. “Hey, guys. Oh, Patrick! Lovely to see you. I didn’t know you were dropping by.”
Asher toddled all the way to me, his little sneakers squeaking against the polished wood floors. I bent down and picked him up, kissing his little cheeks and ruffling his hair. “There’s my little man! Cool overalls. Did Mama pick it out for you?”
“No…” Asher said, though I knew he probably didn’t understand my question. He said ‘no’ to pretty much everything.
Dylan wrapped his arm around Julia’s waist and kissed her hair. “How was shopping with my sister?”
“It was fun. Irene took me to this cute little boutique in Liberty. I was tempted to buy Asher every little shirt and shoe I laid my eyes on, but I know he’s only going to grow out of things in a matter of weeks.”
Patrick smiled at our son. “Cute kid. How old is he now?”
“Thirteen months,” Cash answered.
“He looks just like his mother.”
Julia grinned, her eyes full of pride. It was the truth, too. Asher had her brilliant hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair. Definitely his Mama’s boy.
“Who wants to tell her the good news?” Dylan asked.
Julia glanced between us. “The good news?”
Cash, naturally too excited to wait, threw his arms around her. “We’ve both landed a series contract!”
She gasped. “That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you! When do you start?”
“Red’s first fight is scheduled for a month from now. Cash is in three. I wanted to give him a bit more time to make sure he’s in tiptop shape.”
Cash nodded. “I’ll be ready.”
“Thank you, Patrick,” I said. “Seriously. You’ve stuck with us through thick and thin. You’re the—”
“Don’t say it.”
“—real MVP.”
Patrick snorted. “Cash is right. Fatherhood really has made you a sap.”
Asher pouted, pursing his lips. “Down!” he declared.