Page 15 of Fireworks with Three Mountain Men
“But I’m pooped. Can’t we just grab something while we’re in town?”
“No,” I said firmly. “We shouldn’t waste the money.”
“But Julia’s here,” he protested. “We can write dinner off as a business expense.”
I glanced at Dylan. “Help me out, bro.”
Julia grinned sheepishly. “Actually, Iamkind of hungry. I was in such a hurry to get to the gym that I forgot to eat lunch.”
Something in my gut clenched. That wasn’t going to do at all.
I may have had no love for members of the press, but the thought of Julia going about her day on an empty stomach didn’t sit right with me.
“Dyl, doesn’t your sister own a restaurant in town?” I asked.
He smirked. “As a matter of fact, she does. There’s a cooler in the back of my truck. You can put your groceries there.”
Cash gasped. “Awesome. Now can I have my—”
Dylan cracked the tab on the energy drink and chugged it. “Nope.”
Julia laughed, the sound filling my ears like a song.