Page 99 of Fireworks with Three Mountain Men
Aww, I’m really sorry to hear about your breakup. And thanks! It’s kind of slow getting off the ground, but hopefully I’ll get the ball rolling soon. I’m actually moving to LA tomorrow to live with my sister. I’m hoping it’ll be a nice fresh start.
That sounds great.
Yes. I can finally write what I want to write, not what my editors want to push onto me.
I often stayed up late in the evening, typing away on my computer and browsing through travel forums. I used to think that traveling the world would satisfy my itch for something more; that it would help me find a greater purpose in life.
Now I realized that wasn’t the answer. If I picked up and hopscotched from country to country, I’d still be directionless, just in a different time zone.
The only time I felt anything even remotely close to a calling was when I was coaching Cash and Red. I enjoyed being their guide. Helping them during training, watching over them during matches, making sure they were always on their A-game… I liked being needed. I liked being a part of a bigger team. The responsibility, the passion for the sport, the fulfillment of being able to help the guys achieve their dreams.
Thatgave me a sense of purpose.
It was just a shame that their careers were on hold indefinitely.
Can I ask you something?My pen pal asked.
So… This might be a lot of personal information, but I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about it. I just really need to get it off my chest.
I’m all ears. What are anonymous online pen pals for?
Three dots popped up on the corner of the chat box, indicating they were drafting a long message. I was curious to know what my friend had to say. I wasn’t sure if I would be of any help or be able to give any advice, but I’d certainly try my best.
It was kind of comforting to know I wasn’t the only one in the world with major personal drama to deal with.
I found out I’m pregnant about three months ago, but I haven’t told the father yet. Their job is very public, and I’m worried how they’d take the news.
Congratulations! That’s fantastic! The being pregnant part, not the not telling the father part.
LOL, I knew what you meant.
So you don’t want to tell them about the baby because you’re worried about possible backlash?
Exactly. But I’ve been feeling really guilty. I don’t want to keep this from them, but I feel like I’ve already burned that bridge.
Are you not in contact with them anymore?
No. I had a pretty bad break up a while back like you.
I’m sorry. That really sucks.
Why is love so hard?
I think wemakeit hard on ourselves. I guess the only advice I can give you is to do what you think is right and go from there. At least if you tell them, you’ll be able to move forward regardless of their response.
I didn’t hear back for a while. I figured maybe she took my advice and was busy telling the baby daddy the truth. I read and reread our conversation together, an odd feeling in my gut brewing. There was something vaguely familiar about the way she wrote, the way she expressed herself.
There were even elements of her story that seemed to mirror my own.
My curiosity finally got the best of me.
What’s your name? I’ve known you for a little over a year and I’ve never asked.
The response was immediate.
I thought we were anonymous online pen pals. Doesn’t that defeat the point?