Page 37 of Falling for Fangs
“Oh, he made a huge stink,” Julia went on with a sigh. “I’ll probably get a negative review, but there’s no accounting for idiots.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Chloe said. “And how are the kids?”
“Pretty good,” Julia said. “Harriet got into an argument with her friend at soccer practice and has declared she’ll never forgive her, not even after they’re both dead. And Jude gave me a full PowerPoint presentation on why he needs a new iPad.”
“That sounds exhausting,” Chloe said. She had no idea how Julia did it, working full time and looking after two energetic pre-teens that weren’t technically her own.
“They’re good kids.” There was a touch of defensiveness in Julia’s voice, as there always was if anyone suggested that life might be hard for her. “They really are.”
“I know,” Chloe said gently. “And I’m very fond of them both.”
“And they love their Auntie Chloe,” Julia said, mollified. “Speaking of which, when are you coming to dinner? Harriet bought this sequined dress from the secondhand shop and is convinced you can alter it to fit her. I told her you’re busy, but—”
“I’d be happy to do it,” Chloe said. “I’ll check my calendar, but I’m so—”
“Busy,” Julia finished. “And not just with work. I bet you’ve been seeing Maxwell again, too.”
“I have to see Maxwell!” Chloe objected. “I mean, we are breaking this curse together. It would be inconvenient if I didn’t see him.”
“And I’m sure you’re just hating every moment of that.”
“Well…” Chloe bit her lip. “Maybe not hating it.”
Julia let out a loud whooping noise. “I knew it!” she said. “I knew you liked him! Oh, this is perfect.”
“Hardly,” Chloe said. “I mean, he’s—”
“A vampire?” Julia cut in. “Okay, so that does present some long-term challenges, but it’s not a problem right now. Doesn’t mean you can’t get some action. And you could do with getting thoroughly shagged, not that I’m one to talk, but—”
“That’s not going to happen,” Chloe said flatly, even though she had absolutely imagined just what it would be like to get thoroughly shagged by Maxwell on more occasions than she’d ever admit. Occasionally in a bathtub full of honey. “We’re very different. Not just because of the vampire thing.”
“Opposites attract,” Julia said stoutly. “And girl, you’re attracted.”
“Attracted but realistic,” Chloe said. “I’m not going to get involved with him, even if I am…attracted.”
“You’re not just attracted; you like him,” Julia insisted. “Maybe something will happen at this poker night of his.”
“Nothing’s going to happen. I don’t have time for anything to happen. Do you know how much curse-breaking is cutting into my work schedule?”
“I can only imagine,” Julia said, and Chloe could almost see her best friend rolling her eyes. “Lucky you’ve got the ideal partner for it, huh?”
“I don’t know about that,” Chloe said. Maxwell was…distracting. “Tell Harriet that I fully support her vendetta and remind Jude his birthday’s coming up for that iPad.”
“I won’t let you get him that!” Julia protested. “That’s way too much!”
“Well, Maxwell gave me my biggest commission ever,” Chloe said. “And he’s a great kid.”
“I wish you were half as generous with yourself as you are with other people, Chloe,” Julia sighed. “You deserve to be treated too, you know.”
“I’ve got everything I need,” Chloe said, but she knew it was true. She was more than happy to spend money on her friends – and Jesse, if he ever wanted anything more than ripped jeans and a cottage full of potion ingredients – but when it came to herself? Well, frugal would be putting it lightly.
“So you always tell me,” Julia said, clearly not wanting to argue. “Text me about a night for dinner, yeah?”
“I will,” Chloe promised.
“And keep an open mind about Maxwell. I know you say you don’t have time for a boyfriend, but he’s not like other guys around here, is he?”
“I guess not,” Chloe said. And that, she thought, was the truth. Maxwell was different. And she had no idea what to do about that.