Page 42 of Falling for Fangs
“I do,” Maxwell said. “But we’re not exactly ride or die. When they found out that I had been cursed, they told me to stay away until I got it broken. They didn’t want to be around me, to run the risk of anything happening to them.”
“Ouch,” Chloe frowned. “That’s rough. They sound like shitty friends, Maxwell.”
“I probably would have done the same,” Maxwell admitted. “Or at least, I wouldn’t have questioned it if that was what the majority had wanted.”
“I can see why you don’t trust people,” Chloe said. “Sounds like it’s been a long time since you’ve known anyone worth trusting.”
“Maybe,” Maxwell said. “But apparently, even old vampires can learn new tricks.”
“You’re not that old,” Chloe teased. “Charles is much older. You’re a spring chicken compared to him.”
And that made Maxwell laugh. “Thanks, Chloe,” he said. “We’re almost there.” He tapped the map that was glowing on the dashboard.
“I had almost forgotten,” Chloe groaned. “Why a cave? I’d have been much happier to go up the mountain again.”
“I’ll be with you,” Maxwell said quietly. “I won’t leave your side.”
Chloe was silent for a moment. “I know,” she said with a tiny smile. “I trust you.”
And the twist in Maxwell’s stomach at her words had nothing to do with the prospect of the cave.