Page 44 of Falling for Fangs
“I know what you’re thinking,” Maxwell said, smirking. “I know my way around phallic objects way too well.”
Chloe let out a laugh, her anxiety making her almost giddy. “I didn’t say anything!”
“You were thinking it,” Maxwell teased, and then he wrenched the limestone hard. Chloe was sure it wouldn’t budge, but those muscular arms weren’t just for show, apparently. It broke off cleanly, and Chloe fell back onto her bottom, laughing. She felt a surge of relief; they had the stalagmite, and now they could get out of here.
“Sorry!” Maxwell apologised, looking at her with the stalagmite in his hands. “Didn’t think it would give right away; I should have warned you.”
“It’s fine,” Chloe said, still laughing and then—
The world went black. The beam of light from Chloe’s forehead abruptly disappeared, plunging her into complete and total darkness. Chloe let out a scream. She fumbled desperately with the headlamp, flicking the switch on and off, but it wouldn’t illuminate.
“Chloe!” Maxwell’s voice was warm and reassuring. Or at least it would be if she wasn’t panicking.
“I can’t get the light on!” Chloe’s voice was rising fast. “It won’t switch on; it’s broken. I can’t see! How am I going to get out of here?” To her horror, terrified tears pricked her eyes, and it seemed impossible to breathe. She knew she was close to hyperventilating, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.
“Chloe!” Maxwell’s voice again, but not just his voice. Strong hands gripped her shoulders firmly. “You’re panicking, but you don’t need to. You don’t need the light. I can see. I will get you out of here. It’s going to be okay.”
Chloe gasped, but she couldn’t force her breathing to slow. Not when the darkness was pressing all around her, so close, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t get out—”
“I don’t need to breathe, Chloe,” Maxwell said. “But you do. Come on.” He rubbed her arm in slow, firm strokes, his body so close to hers. “If you can’t do it, I’ll carry you out of here. You’re safe. But you’re strong. You can do this. You’re going to walk out of here yourself.”
“I can’t—” Chloe choked out, gasping. “It’s too much!”
“Yes, you can,” Maxwell’s voice wasn’t light, playful, or teasing now. His words were almost a command. “Breathe for me, Chloe. Do it for me. You’re strong. I’m right here; you’re not alone. You can do this.”
With all her strength, Chloe managed to take a single, shaky deep breath. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to force enough oxygen into her lungs to stop her from feeling like she would pass out.
“Good girl,” Maxwell’s voice in the darkness, his hands so strong and authoritative on her. Chloe wasn’t going to think about just how much she liked Maxwell calling her a good girl. She was too busy dealing with cave-phobia to examine a potential kink.
“I’m okay,” she said after a moment, her voice coming in pants. “Sorry, I—”
“Don’t apologise,” Maxwell said, and he didn’t let go of her. “That would have scared anyone, your torch going out.”
“Guess I’m lucky my caving buddy can see in the dark.”
“Lucky,” Maxwell repeated, still rubbing her arms in firm strokes. “Do you think you can stand up? I’ll get you out of here. I can carry you if you want.”
“I can walk,” Chloe said, although the thought of Maxwell carrying her had a certain appeal. “I’m fine.”
“You’re brave,” Maxwell said. “Very brave.”
“Hardly,” Chloe shook her head in the darkness. “Did you forget I just had a panic attack?”
“That’s not what being brave means,” Maxwell said firmly. “You managed to get yourself out of it. And hell, I know how you feel about caves, and yet you came in here willingly. And did a pretty good job of pretending not to be nervous.”
“But you saw through me?”
“I’m getting to know you pretty well, Chloe,” Maxwell said, and she knew his face was close to her own. She had a wild thought of leaning forward and kissing him. But, she thought, that would be a terrible idea. She couldn’t get involved with Maxwell, and if she did ever kiss him – which she wouldn’t – she didn’t want it to be in a cave.
She let out a shaky breath, pushing all kissing related thoughts from her head. “Let’s get out of here,” she said finally. “Have you still got that stalagmite? Because I am not coming back.”
“I’ve got it,” Maxwell chuckled. He helped her to her feet carefully. Chloe felt a pang of anxiety about moving through the darkness. One wrong step and she could fall off a ledge, plunge into an icy pool, go down an endless tunnel and never be found again.
But before she could start to panic again, Maxwell’s strong arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her tight against his body. “I won’t let you go,” he said, his voice a soft rumble. “I promise. You trust me, remember?”
“I do,” Chloe whispered, and it was true. She did trust Maxwell.
“It’s not far back to the main path. I’ll take care of you,” he said softly.
Chloe nodded mutely and let Maxwell guide her steps. He was pretty good at this Seeing Eye Vampire thing. He warned her of every rock in their path, every low hanging stalactite, and never let her go, not until they were back at the narrow crawl space behind the boulder. Chloe thought she could see a glimmer of moonlight from the other side.
“You go first,” Maxwell said. “Just keep going forwards; it’s not far.”