Page 56 of Falling for Fangs
“Sounds like they’re more effective than the regular UN,” Chloe said, a small smile on her face.
“I doubt it,” Maxwell said drily, stirring his blood in a saucepan on the stove. “From what I hear, the political infighting is just as bad as with humans. We’re not very different, really.”
“So you’re not higher beings, untroubled by mortal failings?”
“Nope,” Maxwell chuckled. “Unless it comes to my sexual prowess, which I’m sure you’ll agree is on a higher plane of existence.”
Chloe laughed out loud, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his neck. “I’d tell you off for being so arrogant, except that you’re right.”
“Don’t worry, you’re right up there on that higher plane with me,” Maxwell said, leaning down to kiss her. “You’re incredible, Chloe. You truly are.” And he meant every word.
Chloe’s warm hands on his biceps, her lips pressed against his made him forget the blood boiling away on the stove until—
“Your blood!” Chloe said, leaping forward and taking it off the heat. “Can blood curdle? That would be gross.”
“How do you think they make black pudding?” Maxwell asked, and Chloe made a retching sound. “Sorry,” he said. “Too soon for blood jokes?”
“No,” Chloe said, smiling again as he transferred the blood to a fine china cup. “I want you to feel comfortable with me. That you can be yourself. All of you, blood and all.”
Maxwell paused, staring at her.
“What?” Chloe frowned. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Maxwell set down his cup so that he could pull her back into his arms. “Just the opposite.”
“So, when are you doing your next poker game?” Chloe asked as the credits began to roll on Casino. Chloe had sweetly consented to watch his favourite film, when they had both admitted they needed a break from any more physical exertion. “Because after that, I’m a little worried about your safety.”
“What, you don’t think I could take on the mob?” Maxwell pretended to be offended. “Please. They’d have no chance.”
Chloe laughed. “Did you ever have run-ins with the mob when you were in Vegas?”
“I guess you could say that,” Maxwell said. “Most people in the mob are surprisingly religious – and superstitious to boot. One look at the fangs, and they took off running. How do you think Vegas was ridden of the mob, anyway?”
“By vampires?” Chloe’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”
“Well, we probably can’t take credit for the whole thing,” Maxwell said. “But my people certainly had a lot to do with cleaning the place up. We want to have fun, not extort people. You’re welcome, by the way.”
“I guess you’ll have no trouble running the game here in Crowley Lake then. I’m pretty sure we’re low on mobsters.”
“It seems so,” Maxwell said. “Next game is Wednesday. I don’t suppose I can convince you to join us?”
Chloe made a face. “I want to,” she said. “But if I’m going to take an evening off work, wouldn’t you rather have me all to yourself?”
“That,” Maxwell decided. “Is an excellent point.”
“You seem to be enjoying running the games,” she said after a moment like that was somehow meaningful.
“Of course I do!” Maxwell said. “I mean, it’s poker. And it’s fun being the host; like having my own casino. There’s a surprisingly high standard of players here. Much better than I expected.”
“So you’re not missing the high rollers table? Maybe Crowley Lake is the right place for you after all. You know, long term.”
“Well, it’s the right place for me until we’ve got this curse broken, that’s for sure,” Maxwell said. Was she trying to find out if he was planning to stay? It wasn’t like he had any immediate plans to leave – certainly not while Chloe wanted him to stay. Did she want to hear he was thinking of staying for good? Or would that be too intense for a relationship that was technically only hours old? They hadn’t even defined this as a relationship, for that matter.
Chloe looked away. “I’d better get going.”
“Are you sure?” Maxwell said, sliding a finger under the neck of her shirt, teasing the button open and dragging his fingertip over the soft skin.
Chloe let out a little whimper. “I can’t,” she said. “I really do need to get home. I’ve got work to do.”
“I’m very lucky you gave me so much of your time today, so I suppose I can’t really be too disappointed,” Maxwell said, pulling his hand back. “But I am, anyway.”
That earned a little smile. “Trust me, I am too. But Jesse will start sending out a search party if he doesn’t see the lights on at the office soon.”
“He doesn’t know you’re here?” Maxwell was surprised. “I thought he might have guessed.”
“He might have guessed,” Chloe said. “But I’m not going to be the one to tell him. He’ll get all over-protective big brother on me, and we don’t need that.”
For some reason, Maxwell wasn’t entirely happy with that explanation. It didn’t matter, not really, but somehow, he didn’t like that Chloe didn’t want to tell her brother that she and him were…whatever they were.
Chloe rose to her feet. “Okay, I’m going to get dressed. And you can’t come with me, or I’ll never leave.”
Maxwell made a face. “I can’t fault your logic, but I don’t like it.”
Chloe leant down to kiss him gently, just a brush of her soft lips on his own. “I’ll come back soon; I promise.”
“You’d better.”