Page 64 of Falling for Fangs
“So,it’sbeenalmost a week since you got together with Maxwell, are we calling him a boyfriend yet, or what?” Julia made it sound like it was a matter of critical international significance.
“I don’t know if we’re, like, together together,” Chloe said with a little frown. “We didn’t discuss labels.”
“Labels, schmabels,” Julia tutted. “Are you or are you not having hot steamy vampire sex?”
“Oh, I am,” Chloe admitted, her cheeks flushing at the many delightful memories. “Like, a lot. And yes, it’s fabulous. I don’t know if it’s because of what he is or if he’s just that good, but wow. Seriously wow.”
“It’s because you two have incredible chemistry,” Julia sounded like she was an expert. “And because you two are meant to be. It’s always better when it’s with the right person. At least, that’s what my books say.”
“Well, I don’t know about meant to be,” Chloe chewed her lip and wished she had a pen to chew instead. “But I think you might be right on the chemistry. I had no idea I could do that so many times in a short space of time. I’m exhausted.”
“And I am jealous as all hell,” Julia said, but she still sounded delighted. “So, when do I meet the undead dreamboat?”
“I don’t know,” Chloe shrugged. “Whenever, I guess.”
“Tomorrow night?” Julia asked.
“That’s very soon!”
“So?” Julia was nonplussed. “I can’t wait any longer! Besides, don’t you want me – and the kids – to meet him? See if he’s really good enough for you?”
“Well, I can ask if he’s busy,” Chloe said, knowing he wouldn’t be.
“Text him!” Julia demanded. “And tell him it’s totally cool if he wants to bring his own blood. I mean, I could probably catch a fresh wallaby for him to drink, but by the time I’m done with them, there’s not a whole lot left.”
“Ew,” Chloe said. “Your leopard is gross, Jules.”
“I know,” Julia sounded too happy to care. “I mean, I have to be a responsible adult and set a good example 99% of the time. It’s nice to be wild and disgusting sometimes.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” Chloe said. “I’m kind of enjoying not being a responsible adult every time I go over to see him.”
“Still can’t believe you took the day off,” Julia said. “You had the flu last year and still insisted on keeping your meetings. You probably infected half of Crowley Lake!”
“Well, maybe some things are worth taking a sick day for,” Chloe said. “I’ll text Maxwell, okay? And give my love to the kids.”
“They’re going to be very excited to meet a real-life vampire,” Julia said. “They might ask inappropriate questions.”
Chloe laughed. “Oh, I can imagine. See you soon, okay?”
The call ended, and Chloe collapsed onto her bed. But only for a moment – her laptop was beside her, and she had a ton of emails to reply to.
But before she did, she sent a quick text to Maxwell, wondering what he’d say to the dinner invitation.
She didn’t have to wait long; a reply came back instantly.
I’d love to meet your friends if that’s what you want. I’ll be on my best behaviour ;) M
He seemed surprised, Chloe thought. Was it really so shocking that she wanted her boyfriend to meet her best friend? Unless Maxwell didn’t think he was her boyfriend. As she had told Julia, they hadn’t really discussed labels. They had been far too busy with other activities for that. Chloe’s stomach twisted as she wondered if maybe all of this meant less to Maxwell than it did to her.
But it was ridiculous to worry. It had been less than a week since their first kiss. How serious could she really expect him to be?
“You look nervous,” Julia said, pointing one finger at her. “Worried we’re going to embarrass you?”
Chloe shifted in her seat. “No, of course not!” But she spoke a little too quickly.
“We won’t embarrass you, Auntie Chloe,” Harriet said, lifting her chin with an air of maturity. “I know how to behave, anyway,” she shot a look at her younger brother, who was busily breaking apart toothpicks and sticking them under his lips to create a set of vampire teeth.
“I vant to suck your blood!” Jude proclaimed, and a toothpick flew from his mouth as he did, shooting across the table and landing in Chloe’s drink.
“Please don’t do that when he gets here,” Julia gave her nephew a pained expression. “Please.”
“Don’t do what?” Maxwell appeared suddenly at Chloe’s elbow, his most charming smile lighting up his handsome features. “You must be Julia – Chloe’s told me all about you. And this is Harriet and Jude?”
Jude quickly spat out the toothpicks, looking at Maxwell with wide eyes.
“Lovely to meet you,” Julia said, sticking her hand out for him to shake. “And yes, these are my two goblins.”
“Hey!” Harriet protested.