Page 66 of Falling for Fangs
“Well, I’d say that was a success,” Maxwell said as he led Chloe from the pub, wrapping one arm tightly around her. He didn’t have much body heat to provide, but his firm body was certainly excellent protection against the gusty air. “Was I sufficiently charming?”
“You know you were.” And he had been. He had been attentive, funny, and allowed both children to ask him extremely personal questions about his fangs. “Thank you. I really appreciate you coming tonight. Julia was very curious about my vampire.”
“Oh, I’m your vampire, am I?” Maxwell looked down at her with an odd expression. Chloe wondered if she had gone too far.
“No, of course not,” she said quickly. “But you’re the only vampire I really know.”
“Right,” Maxwell looked away. Chloe bit her lip – had she said the wrong thing?
“Um, do you want to come over?” she asked. “You know my place is just down the street, and—”
“Stake me if I ever say no to that question,” Maxwell took her hand in his, and Chloe relaxed, feeling a flood of happiness. She hoped her dopamine receptors were ready for a workout because Maxwell was making all the good chemicals flood her brain.
“I’ll be sure to kick you out by dawn, though,” Chloe said, smiling. “For your own safety. I mean, I should probably make sure my place is vampire proof. Get some of those double blackout blinds over the windows, and maybe tinting as well—”
“There’s no need,” Maxwell said. “But that’s a very sweet thought, and I’m grateful.”
“I don’t mind,” Chloe wondered what his hesitation was. “I mean, it would probably be good for me, too. I don’t sleep well at the best of times, and the light comes in from the street.”
“Like I said,” Maxwell said. “There’s no need. You can always come to my place, after all.”
“Of course,” Chloe said. That was strange. It seemed like he didn’t want her to make even the most minor of alterations to her flat so that he could be comfortable there. “I do like your place,” she went on instead. “High ceilings, crown moulding, original tiled entryway…”
“Are you trying to turn me on by doing your very best real estate pitch?” Maxwell raised his eyebrows. “Because it’s working.”
Chloe let out a breath as Maxwell drew her closer, mouthing over her neck and sending needy heat right between her thighs. “Let’s get inside,” she said, her voice becoming breathy. “And I’ll be sure to give you a full tour. Show you everything I have to offer.”
Maxwell chuckled, but his eyes were dark with desire. “Then please, lead the way. I want you to know I’m highly motivated.”
Chloe fumbled for her keys, trying to fit them in the lock before Maxwell induced her to commit acts of public indecency. The door swung open, and Maxwell pressed her against the wall, his mouth hungry on hers. As she let herself sink into the kiss, the possibility of installing blackout blinds was the last thing on her mind.