Page 91 of Falling for Fangs
Chloe’shandsfumbledwith the keys as she opened the door of Crowley Lake Realty, Maxwell close behind her. When the door swung open, Maxwell pressed her against the wall, kissing her like he had been cursed once again, and her lips were the only antidote.
“You look so beautiful in that dress,” he said softly. “When I saw you wearing it, I felt like maybe I could hope you did care for me.”
“I do, Maxwell. So much. I was going to wear the pink dress, but I wanted to wear this. Because it was almost like you were still with me.”
“I’ll always be with you now,” Maxwell assured her. “You don’t ever have to worry about that.”
“I’m not,” Chloe said. “I’m not worried about anything, actually.”
Maxwell kissed her again like he wanted to taste every part of her mouth afresh. Like it was their first kiss. But Chloe was impatient, pulling him towards the stairs. “Can we?” she asked, looking at him from beneath her lashes. “You did once say my dress would look even better on the floor.”
Maxwell let out a groan. “I’m sorry about that,” he said. “I know how it must have sounded. You were right to be annoyed with me; I was an arse.”
“No, you weren’t,” Chloe said, taking his hand in hers and leading him up the stairs. “You wanted to do something nice for me, and I couldn’t let you do it.”
“But you’d let me now?”
Chloe reached behind herself, unzipping the green dress and letting it fall to the ground. “You can buy me as many dresses as you want, so long as you take your clothes off right now.”
Maxwell chuckled. “I think that’s a very reasonable deal,” he said, stripping off his pants and unbuttoning his shirt. He paused and pulled something from his pocket. A silk handkerchief in a print Chloe instantly recognised. “I’ve kept it with me every moment since you gave it to me,” he said.
Chloe’s heart felt like it might burst. “I love you so much,” she whispered fiercely, wrapping her arms around his neck and relishing the feeling of her skin touching his, their bodies pressed together once more. He held her tight, those big arms wrapped right around her like he’d never, ever let her go. Maybe she could do house tours with Maxwell wrapped around her. Surely her clients wouldn’t mind.
“And I love you, Chloe,” Maxwell murmured. “I’ve never said that to anyone before, except my family. It’s been a hundred years, and…”
“Then I’m very privileged.” Chloe’s hands moved over his skin, wanting to feel every muscle, every bone, to know him completely.
“I’m the one who’s privileged,” Maxwell said. “I never thought you could love me. That you could want to be with me. I’m so fucking lucky. I could probably win big in Vegas right now with this kind of luck.”
Chloe laughed, and it felt good to laugh after so many days spent crying. “Well, I’m not Vegas. But you’re more than welcome to win big with me.”
“That’s exactly what I want.” Maxwell’s kisses became more urgent, desperate, needy. She could feel his cock, pressed hard against her thigh. It sent thrills of desire flashing through her, knowing how much this man – this beautiful, incredible man – wanted her. How much he loved her.
When he reached down to slide his hand between her thighs to where she was so wet for him, Chloe let out a high-pitched sound, arching into him. His fingers circled her clit, teasing her and making waves of pleasure crash through her body.
“I need you.” Her voice hot and urgent. “Right now.”
“I haven’t even gotten started.” He kissed down her neck, over her collarbone, sliding his tongue over her breasts, capturing one nipple even as his fingers kept stroking over her clit.
“Please,” Chloe begged, straining into his touch, wanting more. “Please, I want you inside me right now. Don’t make me beg.”
“You never have to beg me.” His lips were on hers once more. “Unless you want to, of course.”
And that was a seriously appealing thought – for another time.
But he wasn’t going to make her beg, not right now. Maxwell guided her long legs around his back so she could wrap tight around him. He pressed the head of his cock, so thick and achingly hard, right to her hot, needy entrance. “I love you, Chloe.” His voice was barely a whisper, but she heard every word.
“And I love you!” Chloe’s words turned into a cry as he pressed inside her, filling her up like no one and nothing ever had before, sending hot sparks of pleasure swirling through her body. “God!”
“God has nothing to do with this,” his low chuckle vibrated against her neck. Chloe gave herself up to the pleasure, the ecstasy of Maxwell moving inside her. Slow strokes at first, letting her get used to the feeling of him filling her up once more, and then faster, more urgent until she was gasping, crying out, desperate.
“You’re perfect,” Maxwell’s hand caressed her sweat-slick skin. “Absolutely perfect. And you’re mine.”
“Yours.” It was true. Completely incontrovertible. She was Maxwell’s now, and she always would be. “All yours.”
When he reached down to rub her clit once more, Chloe was almost pathetically grateful, pressing up into him, needing release. All of the tension, all of the pain she had been carrying, was ebbing away as bliss consumed her. Sex with Maxwell had been good before. More than good; best ever, no question. But now? Now it was like something else entirely. Their bodies were merely an expression of the fierce love, now unleashed, that burned between them.
“Fucking hell, Chloe, I can’t—” Maxwell groaned. “I can’t last much longer.”
“I don’t care.” Chloe squeezed tight around him, willing him to come for her. “Do it. I want to feel you.”
Maxwell let out a growl, a shout, thrusting inside her deep, rough, insistent, and that was it. Chloe’s body tensed and then released, squeezing him tighter than ever. She screamed his name as she came, wrapped tight around him in total ecstasy, complete bliss. Her vision blacked out, and she was floating through time and space until finally, her body stilled, and there was only her and Maxwell once more.
Chloe was panting, gasping for air, and she said the first thing that came into her head. “Well, at least when I’m a vampire too, I won’t get so out of breath.”
Maxwell let out a laugh, rich and happy. “That’s definitely a bonus,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “But there’s no rush. I hope you know that.”
“I know,” Chloe said. “And I’ll have to work out what to do with my business. Julia’s been telling me to hire some people for ages. I could get someone in to do the daytime showings, and…” She let out a soft happy sound. “The rest of it, I can work out. I mean, it’s not like there are no vampires in the world who run a business.”
“True,” Maxwell agreed. “And I don’t think there’s anything in the world you couldn’t do if you set your mind to it. You’re a force to be reckoned with. Actually, we might have to rethink turning you. You might become too powerful and take over the world.”
Chloe giggled, feeling weightless, boneless, and utterly happy.
“I take it you haven’t sold my house yet,” Maxwell went on, smiling. “Because I think I might be needing it after all.”
“I haven’t even started the paperwork,” Chloe admitted. “I just couldn’t bear it. The idea of showing other people the place, seeing you not in it. I couldn’t do it.”
“You’ll never have to,” Maxwell said. “Although, I thought that maybe it could do with one more person in it. On a permanent basis, actually.”
“Oh, you’re looking for a lodger?” Chloe pretended to misunderstand. “You want to let some of the empty rooms?”
“I was thinking more of a partner,” Maxwell said, tracing a finger over her cheek. “If you want to. I mean, I know you love this place, and it’s very convenient with how much you work.”
“Actually,” Chloe said. “I think a little distance from work might be a very good thing for me. Someone once told me that there’s more to life than work. That I should let my hair down and enjoy myself.”
“Oh, he sounds very wise. Bet he’s a handsome devil, too. And great at poker.”
“Mm, almost as good as me,” Chloe teased, her heart feeling like it might burst. This, right now, was exactly what she wanted. Simply to be with Maxwell, knowing that he loved her just the way she loved him. This was everything.
“Charles is going to be devastated that I won’t give the game to him,” Maxwell said. “And I don’t care. There’s only room for one poker king in Crowley Lake.”
“Whoever would have thought you’d be so happy to live in a small town,” Chloe teased.
“It does have certain attractions,” Maxwell said, kissing her again. “I like it here, Chloe. Because of you, and because…I think here, I’m a better version of myself. The people here, the friends I’ve made. I’m happier here than I ever was before. Okay, so there’s not a lot of nightlife. But why would I want to be in some club when I could be at home with you? Making you watch more movies about poker?”
Chloe laughed. “You’ve definitely convinced me on taking time out to enjoy life,” she said. “Oh, and in case I didn’t make it clear before, I absolutely want to move in with you. As soon as possible, please.”
“Nothing would make me happier.”
And as Chloe rested her head on his chest, she knew that was absolutely true.