Page 19 of Ransom Ranch
“What the fuck is this shit?” he demanded.
Startled at his reaction, Stacie wasn’t sure what she had done wrong. “I put a thong on. It matches, see?” she said, lifting her coat to show them.
“Who gave you a thong to put on?” Grant wanted to know from the front seat.
“I just grabbed one. You didn’t want me to go without, did you?”
“Yes!” all three men answered at once.
“Oh, well, nobody told me.” Stacie huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
Jake and Seth each pulled an arm and said, “We’ll have none of that. When you are handed something to wear, you put only what you are given on and nothing more, do you understand?” Jake was still angry and had reached up and pinched one of her nipples, hard.
Realizing that they hadn’t told her not to wear anything other than the dress, Seth knew he had to put a stop to this. “Jake, we didn’t tell her she couldn’t’ wear the thong,” he told his brother. “You need to calm down. Stacie can’t be expected to follow a rule she didn’t know about.” Looking at Stacie, he told her, “From now on, you wear only what we give you, okay?”
“Fuck, that hurt, ass! Why are you being mean to me?” Stacie now had a tear running down her face. This was supposed to be a night of fun and the men were acting so serious. All she had done was put on a pair of panties. It wasn’t the end of the world.
Jake looked down and realized that he had overreacted. He had to remember how new Stacie was. Leaning over, he took the throbbing nipples in his mouth, soothing the little nub. “Babe, I overreacted. I know this is all new to you,” he apologized.
“Honey, when one of your Doms tells you to do something, we expect you to do it. Since you are just learning, we won’t punish you too harshly, but you will be punished. After we look around the club for a while, we will take you to a private room and there we will administer some form of punishment. We will talk more about this in the club and we will explore the things you want to try and things that scare you.”
Right now, everything scares me, Stacie wanted to tell them, but she just bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. If she had known wearing panties was such a big deal, she wouldn’t have. Reaching down, she pulled the offending garment off and dangled it from one finger.
“There, are you happy now?” she asked in a sarcastic tone of voice.
“Babe, you just made it worse.” Jake shook his head at her.
“What did I fuck up now?” Stacie was getting tired of this. She had finally started to relax around the brothers and they could see the brattiness that had attracted them to her coming back. She had become quiet when her father was so ill. Before his illness, she hadn’t hesitated to tell them what she thought, and she was returning to that person. It was good to see, but she was racking up punishments faster than they could think of them.At the rate she was going, they would be spanking her every night for the rest of their lives.
“Stacie, you’re too much of a lady to be cursing like a ranch hand. We won’t put up with it. You won’t like the bar of soap we use or where it goes if you keep it up,” Seth told her. He was glad to see the feisty Stacie returning, but she needed to know there were boundaries and she wouldn’t like the consequences of her actions.
Seth was the strictest of the brothers and felt he had to set an example not only for his brothers, but also for Stacie. The first thing he had learned about BDSM was to let the sub know what the rules were and what he would and would not tolerate. He had never liked Stacie cursing, but other than shaking his head and ignoring her, had never said anything before she became theirs. Now they were starting a relationship, and she needed to know where she stood.
Grant pulled the car into the parking lot and turned to face Stacie and his brothers.
“Before we go in, a few more rules,” Seth started. “If you curse inside the club, you will be immediately—and I mean immediately—stripped and bent over for a spanking. Then we will take you to a room for further discipline. I don’t care where we are in the club, one curse word and your ass is mine. We are going to break this habit now.”
He was going to nip this behavior in the bud, regardless of what his brothers thought, and he could tell by their expressions that they thought he was being harsh. He’d deal with them later.
Stacie was starting to think that even though they called it play, this was not a game. She could tell Seth was pissed and could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. “I’m sorry, Sir. I won’t use those words anymore.” She hoped she could keep her promise. When she got mad or upset, things just came out of her mouth.
Seth’s face relaxed and he smiled at her. “Thank you, honey. I know you will try, and I respect that,” he told her as he reached out and cupped her cheek with his hand.
Stacie nuzzled her face into his hand and smiled back. Most of the tension left the truck, and things were back on track again. Maybe tonight would be fun after all.
They all got out of the truck and Grant held his arm around her to help her into the building. Once inside, Seth explained to the man at the desk that she was new and they needed a contract and list of the club rules for her to read. They then led her to a small seating area with a desk to read through the paperwork and fill out the forms.
Once all that was done, they helped her out of her coat and gave her the choice of continuing to wear the heels or to go barefoot.
Stacie was sure if she continued to wear the shoes she was going to break an ankle, and she gladly gave them to Jake to store in a locker with her jacket. She would have liked to keep the jacket—at least her ass would have been covered with it—but she wasn’t given that choice. She felt really naked without the panties.
Walking into the club with her men, her senses were assaulted with the sights, sounds, and smells. Loud music with a strong beat was playing, and she could smell sex in the air. The lighting was low, and she strained to look around. The men walked her up to the bar, where several bottles of water sat in a tub of ice. Grabbing a bottle and handing one to his brothers and her, Seth then led them to another seating area.
The men sat in comfortable-looking arm chairs and pointed to a pillow on the floor. “You can kneel there, baby,” Grant told her and showed her how to sit with her legs spread apart and her butt on her heels. They wanted her to drink the water, so they left her hands loose for now. Once she finished, she would be clasping her hands behind her back, Jake explained.
Stacie sat as instructed, absorbing the sights and sounds around her. Several people, men and women, came and spoke to the brothers, but none of them paid any attention to her. It was like she wasn’t there.
Eventually a man and woman came up. The man was dressed similar to what the brothers were wearing, and the woman was naked. Stacie was a little shocked and knew her eyes were wide. She quickly looked at the floor.