Page 110 of The Kite
“It could be a couple of days,” Yunho pressed. “These things could take some time. Dropping information in legitimate channels always does. We will stay in touch. You have your new phones?”
Asher nodded. “What are we supposed to do in Sydney for a few days?”
“Buy a car,” Yunho said. “Look at real estate. Your new bank accounts are quite healthy.”
Harry still wasn’t too comfortable with what Yunho considered healthy. “Ah, yeah, about that...”
Yunho smirked. “When Parrish goes down, you’ll both have a lot more.”
Asher chuckled at Harry’s expression. “I told you. It’s just numbers.”
“It’s not the numbers that scare me,” Harry said. “It’s where the decimal point is.”
Asher laughed. “I get to pick the new car.”
Harry sighed. “There really is no point in arguing.”
It had nothing to do with the fact that Harry would let Asher choose anything he wanted.
Lucas nodded through the window toward the dock. “Looks like the boat is ready.”
Asher and Yunho walked out to the dock, their arms linked. Harry and Lucas gave them some privacy and fell into step a few metres behind them. “Thank you for everything,” Harry said. “Asher’s recovered well.”
“You’re welcome here anytime,” Lucas said. “And just between you and me, Yunho would like it very much if Asher did visit often. And yourself, of course. He’s worried he won’t see him now, and he cares for him a great deal. They’ve been through a lot, long before I arrived.”
Harry clapped Lucas on the back. “It would mean a lot to Asher as well. Yunho’s the only family he has. He’d never abandon him. Plus,” Harry said, aiming to lighten the mood. “That private jet is a terrible way to travel, and this place,” he gestured to the tropical island around them, “I’m sure we’d hate to suffer this once or twice a year.”
Lucas smiled at that. “I’m sure.”
Yunho hugged Asher, and then surprising Harry, Yunho hugged him next. “Keep him safe.”
“I will.”
Yunho and Lucas waved them off, and Harry slung his arm around Asher as the boat left the dock. “You’re not sad?” Harry asked.
“No. When I left Morocco and Algiers, I knew I would never be back,” Asher said. “And I can say there’s a good chance I’ll never set foot in Europe again. But we’ll be back here. I know we will. You and me, we’ll be back every six months.”
He said it with such conviction, it was hard for Harry not to believe him.
“You’re confident on thewe,you-and-me thing, huh?”
Asher smiled, his face a work of art in the tropical sunshine. “Yeah, I’m confident. Aren’t you? Don’t even try to tell me you don’t love me, Harry. I know how to read you and how you look at me.”
Harry pulled him in close and kissed the side of his head, then smiled out across the ocean. “You could be right.”
Asher pulled back and shoved him. “Is that all you’re going to say? I say that I love you and that’s what you reply with.”
“You didn’t say you loved me. You said I loved you.”
“Same thing.”
“It absolutely is not.”
“Is it a lie, then?”
“No. But that’s not the point.”
“So you do love me?”