Page 120 of American Royalty
“Of course.”
A cheer rose from the crowd.
Liam smiled down at her before adding, “I’ll donate an additional thirty. Everything’s more fun with a friend.”
He moved closer to Dani and slid an arm around her waist.
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She knew better than to take him seriously. He was an American entertainment magazine editor’s wet dream, with the constant parade of women. And while he was attractive and there was a time when she may have tested those waters, it wasn’t an option now.
Because of Jameson.
But she and Jameson weren’t for public consumption. They still hadn’t defined their relationship, but whatever it was needed to be kept private. Anything she could do to ensure that, she would.
Which was why she didn’t slip from Liam’s embrace.
“Is Duchess your girlfriend?”
Liam smiled and his hold tightened. “I’m hoping, but she’s making me work for it.”
“As I should,” she said, playing for the cameras. “Take note, ladies, don’t give yourself or your heart away too easily. If a man wants you, make him work for it a little, okay?”
“I’m available, Duchess, if you change your mind,” a young boy said.
She winked and blew him a kiss. His face brightened in wonder and several of his friends started pushing and shoving him.
“Please! Why would she want your ashy ass when she can have Liam? He’s totally fit,” another girl said.
“Did you hear that? I’m ‘totally fit.’ They’re on my side,” Liam said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Again, the flashes went off and the crowd went crazy.
Dani slid him a look. “You are such a flirt.”
A smile tilted his lips, but his gaze was steady. “You think I’m teasing. I’m being serious.”
Was he? She’d thought their banter was playful and easy. Asmuch as she liked Liam and enjoyed his company, she didn’t want to lead him on or send mixed signals.
But then his expression lightened, and relief eased her worries. Of course he wasn’t being serious. Flirting was as instinctive to him as breathing.
“Whatever,” she told him. Turning back to the crowd she said, “You guys are the best welcome party any girl could ask for and I hate to break this up, but”—jerking her thumb over her shoulder—“I gotta get back to work.”
“Can we trade jobs?” a boy in the crowd asked.
She placed a manicured nail against her lip as if she were considering it. “What do you do?”
“I wash dishes at the Bird in Arms. It’s a pub down the street.”
She scrunched up her face. “Hell no, dude!”
Everyone laughed and she and Liam waved and backed up.
“Thanks, Antoine,” she said to her bodyguard.
The big man nodded.
With his hand on the small of her back, Liam led her across the street. As they neared the building, the press saw their opportunity.