Page 139 of American Royalty
This wasn’t breaking news. On some level, Dani knew Nyla was right. She’d told herself the same things minus Nyla’s bluntness. Still, when she weighed her friend’s wisdom against the dread that enveloped her at the thought of letting Jameson go...
“This was supposed to be a fling. He was hot, available, and even I could see the sparks from L.A. You were consenting adults who were thrown together in an unusual circumstance. There was no harm in it. But you’re trying to turn a fuck into forever. And I don’t think you’ve considered that being with him means diluting who you are. If they let you in, you know that control over your life you’ve been striving for? They’ll take it. And there will be nothing you can do about it.”
And there it was. The marble that did more than balance the scales of justice; it gave the advantage to the side of Nyla’s hometruths. Had Dani worked her ass off and come so close to having everything she wanted only to cede the authority to dictate her life and her choices to others?
Hell to the no.
But Nyla was being extra. It didn’t have to be that serious.
Dani nodded. “I’m good.”
Nyla’s smile was tinged with sadness. “Of course you are. And don’t worry, we’re going to have a great time. We’ll enjoy this exquisite champagne, laugh, dance, and provide bomb pictures. And when the night is over, you’ll say good-bye and walk away with your dominion and dignity intact. You take a moment while I go get us some refills.”
Dani turned away from the crowd, blinking back the unexpected tears Nyla’s words had brought. Rhonda would be pissed if she messed up her makeup, and Dani would be damned if she let these people see her cry.
“Well, you look different!” Rhys Barnes said, coming to stand next to her.
Jay’s friend was incredibly handsome in his tails and white tie, though the formal wear did little to rein in his untamed energy. In fact, it only emphasized his brawniness.
Get it together, girl. Fake it now, fall apart later.
She tossed her hair back and grinned. “Professor Thor.”
“The tall Viking god thing you’re rocking. Jay didn’t mention that’s what I called you?”
“No, he didn’t.” Rhys laughed. “But I’ll make sure to ask him about it.”
“You do that. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Same.” He peered closely at her. “I know it was you at Birmingham, but I still can’t see it. Top-notch disguise.”
“Thank you. I learned from some of the best.”
“I hope you taught our Jameson some tips. It would be nice for him to have a way to take a break from being hounded by the press that doesn’t involve his hibernation.”
OurJameson? Hardly.
“Will you be staying around for a while?”
He’d asked the question in the same jovial tone as the rest of their conversation, but fine lines deepened at the corners of his eyes as his gaze sharpened.
“I’m scheduled to fly out in two days.”
“Oh. I hope you reconsider. You’ve been just the tonic. I must admit I like the Jameson that’s been influenced by a Duchess.”
“Dani, I went too far. If you want to go for it, I’ll support y— Oh!” Nyla stopped short, the abrupt motion causing champagne to slosh over the rims of the flutes she was carrying. Her gaze landed—and lingered—on Rhys. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You’re not. This is Professor Thor, Jameson’s friend. Nyla Patterson.”
“A pleasure. And you can call me Rhys.” He took the glasses from Nyla and placed them on the tray of a passing waiter. Pulling the handkerchief from his breast pocket, he dabbed the spilt liquid from her hand.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Nyla said, sounding dazed and disoriented. The skin above her strapless bodice flushed and her tongue darted out to lick her lower lip.
The gesture drifted from chivalrous to intimate in two seconds flat! Dani fussed with the skirt of her gown, adjusted the cuff on her arm, anything to avoid spying on the moment.
Oh, for fuck’s sake! Get a room!