Page 150 of American Royalty
“You mean the press coverage won’t benefit the monarchy, like you wanted,” Calanthe said.
His mother was right. The queen had been annoyed at the amount of attention Dani had received all week. Not because of them. No one had known about them. But because of who Dani was. Her enthusiasm, her joy, her ability to relate to people. It was the same presence his grandfather had. One that his grandmother lacked.
The queen set her jaw. “Youwilldo this, Jameson.”
“No. Dani doesn’t want to be involved. And I’m not going to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.”
And he’d make sure she understood that... as soon as she started speaking to him again.
“Then I’m going to do what’s necessary to protect this family.” The queen turned to Louisa. “Issue a statement: ‘It has come to our attention that rumors are circulating about His Royal Highness Prince Jameson and his involvement with an American entertainer known as Duchess. The Palace denies the existence of such a relationship, nor would such a union meet with the Royal Household’s approval. Any claims to the contrary can only be seen as the machinations of someone desperate to haul herself into the ranks of British society.’”
Hurt and anger hardened into a knot in Jameson’s stomach. That statement would allow the Palace to wash its hands of the whole affair and maybe even appear like a victim, while putting all of the blame and suspicion on Dani.
It was diabolical. And brilliant.
“So you’re willing to ruin her life? For what? The people don’t even want us anymore. And that’s with you in charge.” Jameson shot a disgusted look at Julian. “You’re doing all of this to save a monarchy you’ll turn over to Julian. A son you didn’t even trust to host a week of events celebrating his father?”
“Fuck you!”
“No thanks. I don’t know where you’ve been.”
“We all know where you’ve been and it’s—”
Jameson punched him. Everyone gasped and Julian cried out, grabbing his face. “I think he broke my nose!”
The pain radiating up Jameson’s arm was intense, but the satisfaction was immeasurable. Well worth it.
The queen rose from her chair. “Not for Julian. For the family.For our legacy. Our bloodline has ruled for over a thousand years! It will not fall apart on my watch!”
He shook his head, suddenly realizing how ridiculous this all was. Selling his soul and his happiness wouldn’t help this family. And it certainly wouldn’t honor his grandfather, who’d encouraged him to make his own way. He wouldn’t want this for Jameson.
“Maybe it should.”
The queen’s nostrils flared and her body trembled. In a low, cold voice, she commanded, “Louisa, get that to the press office. Tell them I want it issued first thing in the morning.”
“You can’t do that!”
Rumors about them kissing, the statement by the Palace, and the pictures—which he was certain would now get leaked—would turn this into a media frenzy of epic proportions. Dani would be painted as an attention-grabbing, social-climbing hussy trying to seduce a member of the royal family.
And it would kill any opportunity she and Mela-Skin had of attracting an offer from a major company.
“Pledge your cooperation and I won’t.”
He looked to Louisa and could see the conflict on her face, but it wasn’t fair of him to put the burden of his mistakes on her. His hands curved into fists at his sides and his eyes darted around the room as he struggled to think.Use that glorified brain of yours!He couldn’t let her get away with this!
But what could he do?
He was facing his own moment from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. His entire life, he’d believed in the sanctity of the royal family, even as he ran away from it. But Dani, so different from anything he’d ever known, had broken through. Showed him there was something more. Would he stay here and do his duty? Retreat back into his shell at Birmingham?
Or would he dare to be brave?
Would he be willing to leave the familiarity and comfort of the cave and step into the sun?
Calanthe took his hand. “Jameson, do you love her?”
He nodded. “More than I ever could have imagined was possible.”
“Fair or not, you’re a member of this family, and for you, the personal and the public will always be in conflict. But you can stay true to who you are, to the man I, and your grandfather, raised you to be. You love her? Go to her. You should decide together what you’re both willing to do. I told you, you don’t have to sacrifice your happiness for the Crown. I would never want that for you. And, even with his faults, neither would your father.”
“You’re making a mistake, Calanthe.”
“I don’t think so, ma’am. Richard and I had a lot of problems, but on this, we would have agreed.”
Rhys, uncharacteristically quiet up to this point, came over and dropped a set of keys into Jameson’s hand. Clapping Jameson on the shoulder, he confided in a low voice, “I’m parked in that space you showed me you used when you wanted to avoid security and your parents. And Nyla messaged me they were heading to the airport. Good luck!”
“Jameson!” the queen called to his back. “Don’t you leave. We’re not done here!”
He hugged his mother, kissed her cheek, and made his escape.