Page 21 of American Royalty
Now there was an idea...
Louisa pursed her lips. “In order for this event to happen on the date the queen has chosen, I need to get the invitations out by tomorrow. I have my weekly briefing with her when I get back to the palace and she will not be happy.”
Rhys stopped in the middle of tossing a pretzel in his mouth. “This is for the queen?”
Jameson scanned the crowd until he saw a boy he recognized.Perfect!He motioned him over.
“I need your answer,” Louisa persisted.
The student approached, shuffling his feet and smoothing a hand down the front of his jumper. “Sorry, Professor. I wasn’t listening—”
“No, no, Alfie,” he said, silently thanking Rhys for his brilliant idea. “It’s all right. You listen to music? Know which artists are popular with the kids?”
As soon as the words vacated his mouth, Jameson was well aware that he sounded like a man in his dotage versus his actual thirty-two years. But it was too late to call them back and he still needed to know the answer.
Alfie’s lips quirked. “Yeah. I like to think so.”
Brackets formed around Louisa’s mouth. “You can’t be serious?”
“Any favorites?”
“I saw Of Men and Guppies in concert a few months ago. They were killer.”
“Jameson,” Rhys began, “I was kidding ab—”
Jameson dismissed his friend with a flick of his hand and pressed Alfie. “Anyone else?”
Alfie looked between the three adult faces. “Uhh, my mate likesRock Apple Brigade but they’re a little too shouty and indie for my taste.”
Jameson had no idea who any of these artists were. But did it matter? He just needed some names to give to Louisa so she could be on her way.
“My girlfriend has been listening to Duchess. She’s cool. And bangin’,” Alfie continued, a grin spreading across his face.
Duchess? Jameson straightened in his seat. “Is she a musician?”
Rhys interrupted. “I don’t think—”
Alfie’s brows shot into his hairline. “Oh yeah. Extremely popular.”
His grandmotherwouldlike that. It would be kind of cheeky.
Probably a pop singer. He’d make a note to research it later.
“Thanks, Alfie. See you in class tomorrow.” Jameson cocked a brow at Louisa. “So, we’re done?”
“We are?”
“Yes. Duchess. That’s who I want to perform. If she’s unavailable, either of the other two bands will do. You said I only needed to give you the name of one act,” he said, certain he wasn’t successful at concealing his smugness.
She narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure?”
She nodded once, closed her iPad, and stood. “Thank you for your time. I’ll get the invitation out to her people right away.”
“Great,” he said, happy the meeting was finally over. He caught the barkeep’s eye. “A round for everyone, on me.”
A roar of appreciation rocked the room, sweeping out the royal energy and restoring order. He nodded at the chorus of thanks and pints raised in his direction. Conversations resumed and it was almost as if the last ten minutes had never occurred.
Rhys stared at him, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. “Do you know what you’re doing?”
“Of course.”
He didn’t. But Louisa was an unwelcome reminder of his other life, and the sooner she left, taking the spectre of the queen with her, the sooner he could shift his attention back to his life here at uni.
Far away from the royal cave.