Page 26 of American Royalty
“Yo, Shaunie? What happened to the gown?”
The stylist pursed her lips. “Your manager called. He changed it.”
Her hands tightened into fists. Goddammit!
She’d already had to alter her schedule because the original arrangement to shoot in Franklin Canyon Park had been nixed due to the paparazzi that hovered around her like L.A.’s infamous layer of smog. Unfortunately, the only date this house had been available was the day Dani had planned to be in New York for meetings on the rollout of Mela-Skin’s newest revitalizing face mist. She’d been nurturing her annoyance since she awakened, but walking in and seeing the beautiful dress had lightened her mood.
And now this!
Nyla appeared next to her with a bowl of the steaming hot rice dish. “You need to leave Cash and get a proper agent. Someone who’s going to work inyourbest interest and not their own.”
“Oh, go sit down,” she snapped, stepping behind the long white curtain.
“He doesn’t want you to strike a deal with Genesis,” Nyla called out. “He only makes money on your music.”
Dani blew out a breath. Nyla wasn’t saying anything Dani didn’t tell herself.
But where would she go?
Cash had great contacts in the business. He’d introduced her to everyone. And there was a long and storied history littered with the carcasses of failing musicians who’d left their first managers for greener pastures. She was grateful for Cash’s initial stewardship,but it was becoming clear to her that they wanted different things for her career. And in the end, her vision should be the one that mattered.
“I know an agent that would be perfect for you,” Nyla continued. “She’s from my agency.”
“No thanks. I actually listen when you vent. You hate your agency.”
“Not that one. I left them last year for MBP. They’re the top entertainment agency in the world. They represent everybody: actors, musicians, authors, athletes. The best of the best.”
“I don’t know.”
“She’s been wanting to meet you.”
“I’m not ready.”
“Then this is going to be awkward: I invited her to join us and she’s here.”
What the fuck?“Nyla!”
Standing in her underwear, Dani gripped the hanging drapery, about to tell her good friend all about herself, when she heard a new voice enter the space.
“Greetings, all!”
“Bennie! Thanks for coming.”
“Nyla, you’re looking lovely. I’m hearing great things about that romantic comedy you filmed last year. The soundtrack is going to smash.”
“You’re too kind.”
Dani peeked around the flowing fabric and spied a tall leggy woman with long strawberry blond hair who looked more like a model out of central casting than an executive.
“I was excited to get your call,” Bennie said. She glanced around. “Is she here?”
“She is,” Dani said. Both women turned to face her. “Let me throw on a robe and I’ll be right out.”
“Take your time,” Bennie said. “It’s a madhouse out there. I’m in no hurry to experience it again.”
Someone had tipped off the photographers to Dani’s presence and a dozen of them had swarmed an hour after she arrived.